Jean-Michel Pichavant said:
Always post working code, or at least something we can paste in the
python interpreter (even if it's buggy)
Ok, noted.
class A:
class B:
class C:
def __init__(self):
print A.B.x
c = A.C()
Good, thanks.
I've made further tests and here is what I have come to:
class zoneDeDessin(gtk.DrawingArea):
xmin = -5.5
xmax = 5.5
ymin = -5.5
ymax = 5.5
class Handle:
def __init__(self, xEcran, yEcran):
(self.xEcran, self.yEcran) = (xEcran, yEcran)
(self.xRepere, self.yRepere) = (zoneDeDessin.XdeLEcranAuRepere(xEcran), zoneDeDessin.YdeLEcranAuRepere(yEcran))
def __init__(self):
(self.largeur, self.hauteur) = (0,0)
def expose(self, widget, event):
rect = self.get_allocation()
(self.largeur, self.hauteur) = (rect.width, rect.height)
def XdeLEcranAuRepere(self, x):
return zoneDeDessin.xmin+x*(zoneDeDessin.xmax-zoneDeDessin.xmin)/float(self.largeur)
def YdeLEcranAuRepere(self, y):
return zoneDeDessin.ymax+y*(zoneDeDessin.ymin-zoneDeDessin.ymax)/float(self.hauteur)
I have further code that should add a Handle when I double-click on
the screen.
However I get this error when executing:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 161, in boutonRelache
zoneDeDessin.Courbe.ajouterUnHandle(self.courbeCourante, event.x, event.y)
File "./", line 36, in ajouterUnHandle
self.listeDesPoints.append(zoneDeDessin.Handle(xEcran, yEcran))
File "./", line 22, in __init__
(self.xRepere, self.yRepere) = (zoneDeDessin.XdeLEcranAuRepere(xEcran), zoneDeDessin.YdeLEcranAuRepere(yEcran))
TypeError: unbound method XdeLEcranAuRepere() must be called with zoneDeDessin instance as first argument (got float instance instead)
I understand the error (XdeLEcranAuRepere is an instance method, not a
class method), but I don't see how to fix it, except by making largeur
and hauteur class variables...
Any hint?