Michael Kujawa
Hi all,
If anyone has experience with Dynu FTP object maybe
you could help me out. Hopefully it is a simple solution.
I "have" referred to the component documentation and I
am still having troubles transferring a file in ascii mode
I am sure I am doing this correctly but I still am getting
binary transfer type and not an ascii transfer. Basically a
user uploads a file via internet. The file then gets unzipped
and the unzipped file is sent to a tandem server. Lastly the
zipped and unzipped files are deleted from the user upload
everything works except for the transfer type using dynu ftp
It HAS to be ascii.
zs.open "select * from FTSUsers where UserID='" & Session("UserID") & "'",
connstrx, 3, 4
if not zs.eof then
Response.Write "<br>File uploaded Directory is: " & pDirectory
Response.Write "<br>Tandem Login is: " & pUsername
Response.Write "<br>Tandem Password is: " & pPassword & "<br>"
end if
Set objZip = Server.CreateObject("XStandard.Zip")
objZip.UnPack Session("file2"), "\ \ myserver\uncshare\ " &
Session("UserDir") & "\InStage\"
For Each objItem In objZip.Contents(Session("file2"))
Session("file3") = "\ \ myserver\uncshare\ " & Session("UserDir") &
"\InStage\" & objItem.Name
Session("file4") = objItem.Name
Set objZip = Nothing
Response.Write "<br>File Path is: " & Session("file3")
Response.Write "<br>File Name is: " & Session("file4") & "<BR><BR>"
Set oFTP = Server.Createobject("Dynu.FTP")
pServer = ""
pLocalfile = Session("file3")
pRemoteFile = pDirectory & "/" & Session("file4")
If oFTP.Connect(cstr(pServer), cstr(pUsername), cstr(pPassword), 21) Then
Response.Write "Logged on to Ftp server successfully!"
If oFtp.PutFile(cstr(pLocalfile), cstr(pRemoteFile), , "ascii") Then
Response.Write "<BR>" & oFTP.ReturnMessage & "<br>"
Response.Write "<br>File uploaded successfully!"
Response.Write "<br>File upload failed!"
Response.Write "<BR>" & oFTP.ReturnMessage & "<br>"
End If
Response.Write "<br>Login to Ftp server failed!<br>"
End If
set oFTP = nothing
Set Upload = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload")
Upload.DeleteFile Session("file2")
Upload.DeleteFile Session("file3")
and the error I get is:
553 Error: Structured file transfer only allowed in ascii mode
If anyone has experience with Dynu FTP object maybe
you could help me out. Hopefully it is a simple solution.
I "have" referred to the component documentation and I
am still having troubles transferring a file in ascii mode
I am sure I am doing this correctly but I still am getting
binary transfer type and not an ascii transfer. Basically a
user uploads a file via internet. The file then gets unzipped
and the unzipped file is sent to a tandem server. Lastly the
zipped and unzipped files are deleted from the user upload
everything works except for the transfer type using dynu ftp
It HAS to be ascii.
zs.open "select * from FTSUsers where UserID='" & Session("UserID") & "'",
connstrx, 3, 4
if not zs.eof then
Response.Write "<br>File uploaded Directory is: " & pDirectory
Response.Write "<br>Tandem Login is: " & pUsername
Response.Write "<br>Tandem Password is: " & pPassword & "<br>"
end if
Set objZip = Server.CreateObject("XStandard.Zip")
objZip.UnPack Session("file2"), "\ \ myserver\uncshare\ " &
Session("UserDir") & "\InStage\"
For Each objItem In objZip.Contents(Session("file2"))
Session("file3") = "\ \ myserver\uncshare\ " & Session("UserDir") &
"\InStage\" & objItem.Name
Session("file4") = objItem.Name
Set objZip = Nothing
Response.Write "<br>File Path is: " & Session("file3")
Response.Write "<br>File Name is: " & Session("file4") & "<BR><BR>"
Set oFTP = Server.Createobject("Dynu.FTP")
pServer = ""
pLocalfile = Session("file3")
pRemoteFile = pDirectory & "/" & Session("file4")
If oFTP.Connect(cstr(pServer), cstr(pUsername), cstr(pPassword), 21) Then
Response.Write "Logged on to Ftp server successfully!"
If oFtp.PutFile(cstr(pLocalfile), cstr(pRemoteFile), , "ascii") Then
Response.Write "<BR>" & oFTP.ReturnMessage & "<br>"
Response.Write "<br>File uploaded successfully!"
Response.Write "<br>File upload failed!"
Response.Write "<BR>" & oFTP.ReturnMessage & "<br>"
End If
Response.Write "<br>Login to Ftp server failed!<br>"
End If
set oFTP = nothing
Set Upload = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload")
Upload.DeleteFile Session("file2")
Upload.DeleteFile Session("file3")
and the error I get is:
553 Error: Structured file transfer only allowed in ascii mode