Patrick Kristiansen
I have on my website a root web.config file, and also created a
subapplication "/publikationer". In my root web.config I've specified
an HTTP-handler for some requests, but this is mirrored in my
subapplication. Eventhough I <clear /> my HTTP-handlers it doesn't
seem to work, and it still gives me an error about an assembly not
found. It should not use this certain HTTP-handler in my
What should I do?
==== My root web.config ====
<add verb="*" path="*.ventus" type="Ventus.VentusHttpHandler,Ventus"
==== Subapplication web.config ====
==== Error ===
File or assembly name Ventus, or one of its dependencies, was not
Thanks in advance,
I have on my website a root web.config file, and also created a
subapplication "/publikationer". In my root web.config I've specified
an HTTP-handler for some requests, but this is mirrored in my
subapplication. Eventhough I <clear /> my HTTP-handlers it doesn't
seem to work, and it still gives me an error about an assembly not
found. It should not use this certain HTTP-handler in my
What should I do?
==== My root web.config ====
<add verb="*" path="*.ventus" type="Ventus.VentusHttpHandler,Ventus"
==== Subapplication web.config ====
==== Error ===
File or assembly name Ventus, or one of its dependencies, was not
Thanks in advance,