I'm writing an app with server side VB script and client javascript
with SQL 2k back end in IE6.
In the client I am able to use the ADODB.Connection to call a stored
procedure off its execute (supplying a string with proc name and
values) and use ADODB.Recordset to read and write but I want to get
some return off a procedure.
I would either use the ADODB.Command object to add some output
parameters or set a ADODB.Recordset to the ADODB.Connection execute
method where the procedure contains a recordset. Both are failing
I get the javascript error "Automation server can't create object" on
With the 2nd approach, the recordset is made but has no fields or rows
and appears closed as looking at its status property gives a javascript
error saying its either closed or out of context. I put a variable in
the connection.execute for recordsAffected but it's unchanged from a
default of -1.
Any advice greatly appreciated.
I'm writing an app with server side VB script and client javascript
with SQL 2k back end in IE6.
In the client I am able to use the ADODB.Connection to call a stored
procedure off its execute (supplying a string with proc name and
values) and use ADODB.Recordset to read and write but I want to get
some return off a procedure.
I would either use the ADODB.Command object to add some output
parameters or set a ADODB.Recordset to the ADODB.Connection execute
method where the procedure contains a recordset. Both are failing
I get the javascript error "Automation server can't create object" on
With the 2nd approach, the recordset is made but has no fields or rows
and appears closed as looking at its status property gives a javascript
error saying its either closed or out of context. I put a variable in
the connection.execute for recordsAffected but it's unchanged from a
default of -1.
Any advice greatly appreciated.