I have a gridview with a delete button as follows...
<asp:ImageButton id="deleteAttachment" OnClientClick='return
confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this Attachment?");'
imageallign="absbottom" commandName="DeleteAttachment" tooltip="Delete this
Attachment" imageurl="images/icons/delete.jpg"
Is it possible to highlight the gridview row or change the background color
of the row when its clicked? It will have to be a client side thing
obviously. I guess the OnClientClick property will reference a script
function but how do I know which row was clicked? And what client side code
is required to change the background color of a gridview row?
Or is this possible?
<asp:ImageButton id="deleteAttachment" OnClientClick='return
confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this Attachment?");'
imageallign="absbottom" commandName="DeleteAttachment" tooltip="Delete this
Attachment" imageurl="images/icons/delete.jpg"
Is it possible to highlight the gridview row or change the background color
of the row when its clicked? It will have to be a client side thing
obviously. I guess the OnClientClick property will reference a script
function but how do I know which row was clicked? And what client side code
is required to change the background color of a gridview row?
Or is this possible?