No problem. My editor has no trouble inserting them.
It doesn't claim to, at least out of the box. You buy a PC with
Windows, you have to add a lot of extra software if you want to
develope on it. Which is fair enough: most people who buy a PC
with Windows don't use it for program development.
One of the things you'll have to add for professional
programming is some sort of tool kit. I don't know of any that
aren't Unix-like today, so the choice really isn't there.
(Although I don't know: maybe just perl would be enough. Or
maybe even just Python. I've never had enough time to give them
a thorough try-out.)
I think that the Windows way would be to install the proper tool
kit for what you want to do. It happens that much of this tool
kit comes bundled with Unix, for whatever reasons. (The market
traders where I work may use Sparc's with Solaris, but they
certainly never use sed or awk, even though it's bundled.)
James Kanze (GABI Software) email:
[email protected]
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