The following code:
Private Sub ClearControls(ByVal ctrl As Control)
Dim i As Int32
For i = ctrl.Controls.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
If ctrl.GetType().ToString() <> "TableCell" Then
If Not ctrl.GetType().GetProperty("SelectedItem") Is Nothing Then
Dim literal As LiteralControl = New LiteralControl()
literal.Text =
Nothing), System.String)
End Try
End If
Dim literal As LiteralControl = New LiteralControl()
literal.Text =
CType(ctrl.Controls.GetType().GetProperty("Text").GetValue(ctrl, Nothing),
End If
End Sub
Private Sub RbtnExport_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RbtnExport.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim sFile As String = Session("User") & "-Customer List-" & Today()
sFile = sFile.Replace("/", "-")
Select Case RbtnExport.SelectedItem.Value
Case "Excel"
Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"
Response.AppendHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" & sFile
& ".xls")
Case "Word"
Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-word"
Response.AppendHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" & sFile
& ".doc")
End Select
' Remove the charset from the Content-Type header.
Response.Charset = ""
' Turn off the view state.
Me.EnableViewState = False
Dim tw As New System.IO.StringWriter()
Dim hw As New System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter(tw)
' Get the HTML for the control.
' Write the HTML back to the browser.
' End the response.
End Sub
I have as you see above EXACTLY in 2 separate aspx pages. One provides a
list of products and inventories, the other displays a list of customers.
The code above is copied from one to the other. The one that displays the
products & inventories works - I get an Excel book I can read - the other
does not - it returns a 0 byte file that produces the "Unable to read file"
message when I try to open it. On each page, I am taking a web page with a
datagrid on it to an excel file.
There are some differences between the 2 pages.
One, the product page does not have sortable columns, while the customer
list did (I took this out of the customer list with no effect, so I put it
back in).
Two, the product listing page is loaded as the result of an If Not
page.ispostback condition in the Page_load event, and does not require any
clicks of boxes or buttons. The Customer listing allows you to make some
selections before the datagrid is loaded (such as by a distribution
channel), and the also allows you to filter the request (so you can pick out
just shipto locations, or soldto information only). Therefore, the customer
list datagrid is generated based on one of 2 things - whether a radio button
that indicates you want all distribution channels displayed, or whether the
index has changed on a combo box. That builds your sql based on your
selections you've made and once you've selected either the All button or the
appropriate combo box item, it'll run the sql and load your datagrid based
on those selections.
You'll then click a radio button to bring it to excel. Both pages function
similarly, except the one where the datagrid is loaded in page_load works,
and the other one returns a zero byte page.
Any ideas as to what's wrong with this puppy?
Private Sub ClearControls(ByVal ctrl As Control)
Dim i As Int32
For i = ctrl.Controls.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
If ctrl.GetType().ToString() <> "TableCell" Then
If Not ctrl.GetType().GetProperty("SelectedItem") Is Nothing Then
Dim literal As LiteralControl = New LiteralControl()
literal.Text =
Nothing), System.String)
End Try
End If
Dim literal As LiteralControl = New LiteralControl()
literal.Text =
CType(ctrl.Controls.GetType().GetProperty("Text").GetValue(ctrl, Nothing),
End If
End Sub
Private Sub RbtnExport_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RbtnExport.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim sFile As String = Session("User") & "-Customer List-" & Today()
sFile = sFile.Replace("/", "-")
Select Case RbtnExport.SelectedItem.Value
Case "Excel"
Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"
Response.AppendHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" & sFile
& ".xls")
Case "Word"
Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-word"
Response.AppendHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" & sFile
& ".doc")
End Select
' Remove the charset from the Content-Type header.
Response.Charset = ""
' Turn off the view state.
Me.EnableViewState = False
Dim tw As New System.IO.StringWriter()
Dim hw As New System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter(tw)
' Get the HTML for the control.
' Write the HTML back to the browser.
' End the response.
End Sub
I have as you see above EXACTLY in 2 separate aspx pages. One provides a
list of products and inventories, the other displays a list of customers.
The code above is copied from one to the other. The one that displays the
products & inventories works - I get an Excel book I can read - the other
does not - it returns a 0 byte file that produces the "Unable to read file"
message when I try to open it. On each page, I am taking a web page with a
datagrid on it to an excel file.
There are some differences between the 2 pages.
One, the product page does not have sortable columns, while the customer
list did (I took this out of the customer list with no effect, so I put it
back in).
Two, the product listing page is loaded as the result of an If Not
page.ispostback condition in the Page_load event, and does not require any
clicks of boxes or buttons. The Customer listing allows you to make some
selections before the datagrid is loaded (such as by a distribution
channel), and the also allows you to filter the request (so you can pick out
just shipto locations, or soldto information only). Therefore, the customer
list datagrid is generated based on one of 2 things - whether a radio button
that indicates you want all distribution channels displayed, or whether the
index has changed on a combo box. That builds your sql based on your
selections you've made and once you've selected either the All button or the
appropriate combo box item, it'll run the sql and load your datagrid based
on those selections.
You'll then click a radio button to bring it to excel. Both pages function
similarly, except the one where the datagrid is loaded in page_load works,
and the other one returns a zero byte page.
Any ideas as to what's wrong with this puppy?