Alex Duke
I advise you to try Codelobster PHP Edition.
It's free Portable PHP editor, which can be named valuable IDE.
Basic features are:
PHP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS code highlighting
PHP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS autocomplete
PHP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS context and dinamyc help
PHP Debugger
Code folding (collapsing)
Pair highlighting, pair selection, tags and attributes selection
Navigation by holding CTRL key for all links, includes and definitions
Preview in all browsers
FTP/SFTP support
HTML/CSS code insector
I was really impressed possibility Portable and last point - HTML/CSS
code insector.
It allows navigation on HTML code and CSS for visual selected element,
and changes
making not in objective model, like in Chrome or FireBug, but in source.
It's free Portable PHP editor, which can be named valuable IDE.
Basic features are:
PHP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS code highlighting
PHP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS autocomplete
PHP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS context and dinamyc help
PHP Debugger
Code folding (collapsing)
Pair highlighting, pair selection, tags and attributes selection
Navigation by holding CTRL key for all links, includes and definitions
Preview in all browsers
FTP/SFTP support
HTML/CSS code insector
I was really impressed possibility Portable and last point - HTML/CSS
code insector.
It allows navigation on HTML code and CSS for visual selected element,
and changes
making not in objective model, like in Chrome or FireBug, but in source.