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i m trying to implment blowfish encryption algorithm . and i m trying to implement the below code and when i check syntex of this code it perfect and no problme with this but whn i tried to implement the test bench it gives error for the 'unsigned' data type.
so can any one suggest whts wrong in this code it whould be great help for me
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity parray_control is
port (
clk : in std_logic;
init_parray : in bit; -- tells us to initialize the parray
sub_parray : in bit; -- tells us to run the zero_block through
sub_parray_done : out bit;
sboxes_zero_block : out unsigned(63 downto 0); -- to sboxes_control
parray_init_addr : buffer unsigned(4 downto 0);
parray_init_chunk : out unsigned(31 downto 0);
parray_init_data : in unsigned(31 downto 0);
parray_addr : out unsigned(4 downto 0);
parray_data_in : out unsigned(31 downto 0);
parray_data_out : in unsigned(31 downto 0);
parray_we : out bit;
parray_crypt_go : out bit;
parray_crypt_ptext : out unsigned(63 downto 0);
crypt_ctext : in unsigned(63 downto 0);
crypt_parray_addr : in unsigned(4 downto 0);
crypt_parray_data : out unsigned(31 downto 0);
crypt_done : in bit;
keychunk_blob : in unsigned(447 downto 0)
end parray_control;
architecture fishy of parray_control is
signal parray_state : PARRAY_STATES;
type KEYCHUNK_TYPE is array (0 to 13) of unsigned(31 downto 0);
signal keychunk : KEYCHUNK_TYPE;
signal zero_block : unsigned(63 downto 0);
-- split up the blob into the chunks we just selected
keychunk(0) <= keychunk_blob(31 downto 0);
keychunk(1) <= keychunk_blob(63 downto 32);
keychunk(2) <= keychunk_blob(95 downto 64);
keychunk(3) <= keychunk_blob(127 downto 96);
keychunk(4) <= keychunk_blob(159 downto 128);
keychunk(5) <= keychunk_blob(191 downto 160);
keychunk(6) <= keychunk_blob(223 downto 192);
keychunk(7) <= keychunk_blob(255 downto 224);
keychunk(8) <= keychunk_blob(287 downto 256);
keychunk(9) <= keychunk_blob(319 downto 288);
keychunk(10) <= keychunk_blob(351 downto 320);
keychunk(11) <= keychunk_blob(383 downto 352);
keychunk(12) <= keychunk_blob(415 downto 384);
keychunk(13) <= keychunk_blob(447 downto 416);
-- process to control parray initialization
process(clk, parray_state, init_parray, crypt_done, parray_init_addr,
sub_parray, keychunk)
variable just_started : std_logic;
if (clk'event AND clk = '1') then
sub_parray_done <= '0';
if (parray_state = SUB) then
if (crypt_done = '1' AND just_started = '0') then
parray_state <= SUB_WRITE1;
--parray_init_addr - don't modify it
parray_init_chunk <= (others => '0');
parray_crypt_go <= '0';
just_started := '0';
parray_state <= SUB;
--parray_init_addr - don't modify it
parray_init_chunk <= (others => '0');
parray_crypt_go <= '0';
end if;
elsif (parray_state = SUB_WRITE1) then
parray_state <= SUB_WRITE2;
parray_init_addr <= parray_init_addr + 1;
parray_init_chunk <= (others => '0');
parray_crypt_go <= '0';
elsif (parray_state = SUB_WRITE2) then
if (parray_init_addr = 17) then
parray_state <= PASS;
parray_crypt_go <= '0';
parray_state <= SUB;
parray_crypt_go <= '1';
end if;
parray_init_addr <= parray_init_addr + 1;
parray_init_chunk <= (others => '0');
just_started := '1'; -- so we don't write two in a row!
elsif (sub_parray = '1') then
parray_state <= SUB;
parray_init_addr <= (others => '0');
parray_init_chunk <= (others => '0');
parray_crypt_go <= '1';
just_started := '1';
elsif (parray_state = INIT) then
if (parray_init_addr = 17) then
parray_state <= PASS;
parray_state <= INIT;
end if;
parray_init_addr <= parray_init_addr + 1;
case parray_init_addr is
when "00000" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(1);
when "00001" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(2);
when "00010" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(3);
when "00011" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(4);
when "00100" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(5);
when "00101" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(6);
when "00110" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(7);
when "00111" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(8);
when "01000" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(9);
when "01001" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(10);
when "01010" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(11);
when "01011" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(12);
when "01100" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(13);
when "01101" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(0);
when "01110" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(1);
when "01111" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(2);
when others => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(3);
end case;
parray_crypt_go <= '0';
elsif (init_parray = '1') then
parray_state <= INIT;
parray_init_addr <= (others => '0');
parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(0);
parray_crypt_go <= '0';
else -- if we're not initializing, just pass-through
parray_state <= PASS;
parray_init_addr <= (others => '0');
parray_init_chunk <= (others => '0');
parray_crypt_go <= '0';
sub_parray_done <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- process to control the zero_block used in initalizations
process(clk, parray_state, zero_block, crypt_ctext, sub_parray)
if (clk'event AND clk = '1') then
if (parray_state = SUB_WRITE1) then
zero_block <= crypt_ctext;
sboxes_zero_block <= crypt_ctext;
elsif (sub_parray = '1') then
zero_block <= (others => '0');
end if;
end if;
parray_crypt_ptext <= zero_block;
end process;
crypt_parray_data <= parray_data_out;
-- process to allow parray init or passthrough to crypt
process(parray_state, parray_init_addr, parray_init_data, crypt_parray_addr,
if (parray_state = SUB_WRITE1) then
parray_we <= '1';
parray_addr <= parray_init_addr;
parray_data_in <= crypt_ctext(63 downto 32);
elsif (parray_state = SUB_WRITE2) then
parray_we <= '1';
parray_addr <= parray_init_addr;
parray_data_in <= crypt_ctext(31 downto 0);
elsif (parray_state = INIT) then
parray_we <= '1';
parray_addr <= parray_init_addr;
parray_data_in <= parray_init_data;
parray_we <= '0';
parray_addr <= crypt_parray_addr;
parray_data_in <= (others => '0');
end if;
end process;
i m trying to implment blowfish encryption algorithm . and i m trying to implement the below code and when i check syntex of this code it perfect and no problme with this but whn i tried to implement the test bench it gives error for the 'unsigned' data type.
so can any one suggest whts wrong in this code it whould be great help for me
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity parray_control is
port (
clk : in std_logic;
init_parray : in bit; -- tells us to initialize the parray
sub_parray : in bit; -- tells us to run the zero_block through
sub_parray_done : out bit;
sboxes_zero_block : out unsigned(63 downto 0); -- to sboxes_control
parray_init_addr : buffer unsigned(4 downto 0);
parray_init_chunk : out unsigned(31 downto 0);
parray_init_data : in unsigned(31 downto 0);
parray_addr : out unsigned(4 downto 0);
parray_data_in : out unsigned(31 downto 0);
parray_data_out : in unsigned(31 downto 0);
parray_we : out bit;
parray_crypt_go : out bit;
parray_crypt_ptext : out unsigned(63 downto 0);
crypt_ctext : in unsigned(63 downto 0);
crypt_parray_addr : in unsigned(4 downto 0);
crypt_parray_data : out unsigned(31 downto 0);
crypt_done : in bit;
keychunk_blob : in unsigned(447 downto 0)
end parray_control;
architecture fishy of parray_control is
signal parray_state : PARRAY_STATES;
type KEYCHUNK_TYPE is array (0 to 13) of unsigned(31 downto 0);
signal keychunk : KEYCHUNK_TYPE;
signal zero_block : unsigned(63 downto 0);
-- split up the blob into the chunks we just selected
keychunk(0) <= keychunk_blob(31 downto 0);
keychunk(1) <= keychunk_blob(63 downto 32);
keychunk(2) <= keychunk_blob(95 downto 64);
keychunk(3) <= keychunk_blob(127 downto 96);
keychunk(4) <= keychunk_blob(159 downto 128);
keychunk(5) <= keychunk_blob(191 downto 160);
keychunk(6) <= keychunk_blob(223 downto 192);
keychunk(7) <= keychunk_blob(255 downto 224);
keychunk(8) <= keychunk_blob(287 downto 256);
keychunk(9) <= keychunk_blob(319 downto 288);
keychunk(10) <= keychunk_blob(351 downto 320);
keychunk(11) <= keychunk_blob(383 downto 352);
keychunk(12) <= keychunk_blob(415 downto 384);
keychunk(13) <= keychunk_blob(447 downto 416);
-- process to control parray initialization
process(clk, parray_state, init_parray, crypt_done, parray_init_addr,
sub_parray, keychunk)
variable just_started : std_logic;
if (clk'event AND clk = '1') then
sub_parray_done <= '0';
if (parray_state = SUB) then
if (crypt_done = '1' AND just_started = '0') then
parray_state <= SUB_WRITE1;
--parray_init_addr - don't modify it
parray_init_chunk <= (others => '0');
parray_crypt_go <= '0';
just_started := '0';
parray_state <= SUB;
--parray_init_addr - don't modify it
parray_init_chunk <= (others => '0');
parray_crypt_go <= '0';
end if;
elsif (parray_state = SUB_WRITE1) then
parray_state <= SUB_WRITE2;
parray_init_addr <= parray_init_addr + 1;
parray_init_chunk <= (others => '0');
parray_crypt_go <= '0';
elsif (parray_state = SUB_WRITE2) then
if (parray_init_addr = 17) then
parray_state <= PASS;
parray_crypt_go <= '0';
parray_state <= SUB;
parray_crypt_go <= '1';
end if;
parray_init_addr <= parray_init_addr + 1;
parray_init_chunk <= (others => '0');
just_started := '1'; -- so we don't write two in a row!
elsif (sub_parray = '1') then
parray_state <= SUB;
parray_init_addr <= (others => '0');
parray_init_chunk <= (others => '0');
parray_crypt_go <= '1';
just_started := '1';
elsif (parray_state = INIT) then
if (parray_init_addr = 17) then
parray_state <= PASS;
parray_state <= INIT;
end if;
parray_init_addr <= parray_init_addr + 1;
case parray_init_addr is
when "00000" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(1);
when "00001" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(2);
when "00010" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(3);
when "00011" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(4);
when "00100" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(5);
when "00101" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(6);
when "00110" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(7);
when "00111" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(8);
when "01000" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(9);
when "01001" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(10);
when "01010" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(11);
when "01011" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(12);
when "01100" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(13);
when "01101" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(0);
when "01110" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(1);
when "01111" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(2);
when others => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(3);
end case;
parray_crypt_go <= '0';
elsif (init_parray = '1') then
parray_state <= INIT;
parray_init_addr <= (others => '0');
parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(0);
parray_crypt_go <= '0';
else -- if we're not initializing, just pass-through
parray_state <= PASS;
parray_init_addr <= (others => '0');
parray_init_chunk <= (others => '0');
parray_crypt_go <= '0';
sub_parray_done <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- process to control the zero_block used in initalizations
process(clk, parray_state, zero_block, crypt_ctext, sub_parray)
if (clk'event AND clk = '1') then
if (parray_state = SUB_WRITE1) then
zero_block <= crypt_ctext;
sboxes_zero_block <= crypt_ctext;
elsif (sub_parray = '1') then
zero_block <= (others => '0');
end if;
end if;
parray_crypt_ptext <= zero_block;
end process;
crypt_parray_data <= parray_data_out;
-- process to allow parray init or passthrough to crypt
process(parray_state, parray_init_addr, parray_init_data, crypt_parray_addr,
if (parray_state = SUB_WRITE1) then
parray_we <= '1';
parray_addr <= parray_init_addr;
parray_data_in <= crypt_ctext(63 downto 32);
elsif (parray_state = SUB_WRITE2) then
parray_we <= '1';
parray_addr <= parray_init_addr;
parray_data_in <= crypt_ctext(31 downto 0);
elsif (parray_state = INIT) then
parray_we <= '1';
parray_addr <= parray_init_addr;
parray_data_in <= parray_init_data;
parray_we <= '0';
parray_addr <= crypt_parray_addr;
parray_data_in <= (others => '0');
end if;
end process;