Sorry for OT question, but does any one have a working *.bat file to
get Comeau to work with VC++ 7.1, VC++ 8.0, or GNU 3.x compilers.
I've tried everything I can think off, to get it to work, and I get
compile errors.
I'm currently using the following *.bat file
With the following simple hello world source code:
I keep getting compile errors associated with libcomo, which is the STL
library that is recommended to be used with Comeau.
"L:\Compiler\Comeau\libcomo\stl_config.h", line 723: catastrophic
error: could
not open source file "math.h"
#include <math.h>
I can get rid of the above compile error if I change the last line in
the bat file to the following:
como.exe -w --vc71 -I"%VC7_ROOT%\INCLUDE" /O2 /FD /EHsc /ML /GS /W0 /c
/Wp64 /Zi /TP C:\helloworld.cpp
However, I then get the following error:
Failure while executing 'cl' compiler ...email Comeau for advice.
When I emailed Comeau support, I was told I should remove the VC7
include. Which of course just seems to make things worse.
I'm hoping someone else has a working *.bat file that I could use to
get Comeau working.
FYI: (For the topic policy, there is no Comeau NG that I'm aware of,
and Comeau Support has failed to reply to my last two emails)
get Comeau to work with VC++ 7.1, VC++ 8.0, or GNU 3.x compilers.
I've tried everything I can think off, to get it to work, and I get
compile errors.
I'm currently using the following *.bat file
With the following simple hello world source code:
I keep getting compile errors associated with libcomo, which is the STL
library that is recommended to be used with Comeau.
"L:\Compiler\Comeau\libcomo\stl_config.h", line 723: catastrophic
error: could
not open source file "math.h"
#include <math.h>
I can get rid of the above compile error if I change the last line in
the bat file to the following:
como.exe -w --vc71 -I"%VC7_ROOT%\INCLUDE" /O2 /FD /EHsc /ML /GS /W0 /c
/Wp64 /Zi /TP C:\helloworld.cpp
However, I then get the following error:
Failure while executing 'cl' compiler ...email Comeau for advice.
When I emailed Comeau support, I was told I should remove the VC7
include. Which of course just seems to make things worse.
I'm hoping someone else has a working *.bat file that I could use to
get Comeau working.
FYI: (For the topic policy, there is no Comeau NG that I'm aware of,
and Comeau Support has failed to reply to my last two emails)