Command Line Arguments from a File




I've gotten a request to put command line arguments into a file.
This file contains other information for building parts. I thought
this would be fairly easy because I've been using Getopt::Long for a
while and thought I would just have to push the switches onto @ARGV
and call Getopt::Long a second time. The code:

elsif (/^-\w+/) {
push(@ARGV," $_");
&Command_Line;# Calls Getopt::Long

I noticed that I have to put a space in the " $_" or else the "-" gets
striped off. None of the options are being set this way. Any ideas
what I'm doing wrong here? Is there a better way to handle this?
Thanks in advanced for any help!


Ben Morrow

Quoth T said:
I've gotten a request to put command line arguments into a file.

You haven't said how these arguments are stored in the file, or how you
get them out again.
This file contains other information for building parts. I thought
this would be fairly easy because I've been using Getopt::Long for a
while and thought I would just have to push the switches onto @ARGV
and call Getopt::Long a second time. The code:

elsif (/^-\w+/) {

Where is the rest of this 'if'? What is $_ set to?

You are supposed to post an example we can actually run.
push(@ARGV," $_");
&Command_Line;# Calls Getopt::Long

Don't call subs with & unless you know what it does.
I noticed that I have to put a space in the " $_" or else the "-" gets
striped off.

I don't believe you. What made you think that?
None of the options are being set this way.

Well... no. Getopt::Long looks for arguments starting with '-'; an
argument starting with ' -' doesn't qualify.
Is there a better way to handle this?

RTFM. Use Getopt::Long::GetOptionsFromString or ::GetOptionsFromArray,
which are provided for this purpose.



You are supposed to post an example we can actually run.

Fair enough, I was trying to be brief, however maybe I was too brief.
Below is sample code. In the file I have:

# Default Command Line switches.
-email mail

When I run the script below I get:


-noclearcase -email mail
Unknown option: email mail
Died at line 10.

Looks like it's stripping off the "-" on email. If I run with command
options also I get:

$ -minor
No "-minor" build file?

Which isn't getting any of the command line arguments?

I know I must be doing something wrong, so any help in this is greatly


Test Code Below:

use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptionsFromArray);
# Get the command line options.
sub Command_Line {
print "@_\n";
"major:s" => \$major,
"minor:s" => \$minor,
"qsfonly" => \$qsfonly,
"noqsf" => \$noqsf,
"noclearcase" => \$noclearcase,
"full" => \$full,
"email=s" => \$email,
"classic" => \$classic,
"version" => \$version,
"help" => \$help ) || die;

# See if they want to use a different Control File other than the
default ALTERA file.
if (! @ARGV) {
$Control_File = "ALTERA";
} else {
$Control_File = "$ARGV[0]";
# Find the Altera Build file and get the variables, if not error out.
if ( -e "$Control_File" ) {
# Open Altera build file for reading and get the variables.
open (ALTERA, "$Control_File") || die "Can't Open File
\"$Control_File\": $!\n";
while (<ALTERA>) {
# Ingore lines that start with # or are just spaces...
if ((!/^#/) && (/\S/)){
s/=/ /;
@x = $_;
@x = split;
if (/DESIGN/) {
$design = $x[1];
elsif (/REVFILE/) {
$revfilename = $x[1];
elsif (/MAJOR/) {
$majorrev = $x[1];
elsif (/MINOR/) {
$minorrev = $x[1];
elsif (/\.tcl$/) {
push(@qsfbld, $x[0]);
elsif (/^-\w+/) {
close (ALTERA);
else {
print "No \"$Control_File\" build file?\n";
exit (1);
print "@ARGV\n";
print "Major $major\n";
print "Minor $minor\n";
print "QSFOnly $qsfonly\n";
print "NoQSF $noqsf\n";
print "No Clearcase $noclearcase\n";
print "Full $full\n";
print "Email $email\n";
print "Classic $classic\n";
print "Version $version\n";
print "Help $help\n";

Ben Morrow

Quoth Jim Gibson said:
You are passing the string "-email mail" as a single element of the
first-argument array to GetOptionsFromArray. Since this is not a valid
option, GetOptionsFromArray issues the above message (first stripping
the '-' which identifies an argument).

Note that you can use GetOptionsFromString, which is for exactly this
purpose. It uses Text::Shellwords (or rather, Text::parseWords), which
supports shell-style quoting, so would correctly understand lines like

-email "Foo Bar <[email protected]>"

as a user would probably expect. Since this will handle all the
splitting for you, you can do something more like

use File::Slurp qw/read_file/;

my $config = read_file $Control_File;

# note that . doesn't match newline without /s
$config =~ s/#.*//g;

GetOptionsFromString $config, ...;

and get comments and quoting handled as the shell would.


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