Jesse Crockett
I am passing this hash to a method to sort it, which works in irb but in
rails I can't get past it
report = {
:cals => @total_cals,
:fat => @dv_fat,
:sfat => @dv_sfat,
:carbs => @dv_carbs,
:chol => @dv_chol,
:sodium => @dv_sodium,
rotein => @dv_protein,
:fiber => @dv_fiber,
:calcium => @dv_calcium,
:copper => @dv_copper,
:folid_acid => @dv_folid_acid,
:iron => @dv_iron,
:magnesium => @dv_magnesium,
:iron => @dv_iron,
antothenic_acid => @dv_pantothenic_acid,
hosphorus => @dv_phosphorus,
:riboflavin => @dv_riboflavin,
:thiamin => @dv_thiamin,
:a_iu => @dv_a_iu,
:b6 => @dv_b6,
:b12 => @dv_b12,
:c => @dv_c,
:d => @dv_d,
:e => @dv_e,
:zinc => @dv_zinc,
otassium => @dv_potassium }
Here is the method giving me trouble
def overview_text(report_hash)
array_sorted = report_hash.sort { |a,b| a[1] <=> b[1] }.reverse
rich = very_plentiful = plentiful = good_source =
small_amount = minimal_amount = Array.new
@a = 0
until @a == array_sorted.length
if array_sorted[@a].last > 35 && (array_sorted[@a][0] == :fat or
array_sorted[@a][0] == :carbs or array_sorted[@a][0] == rotein or
array_sorted[@a][0] == :fiber or array_sorted[@a][0] == :chol)
rich << array_sorted[@a].first.to_s
elsif array_sorted[@a].last > 35 && (array_sorted[@a][0] != :fat
or array_sorted[@a][0] != :carbs or array_sorted[@a][0] != rotein or
array_sorted[@a][0] != :fiber or array_sorted[@a][0] != :chol)
very_plentiful << array_sorted[@a].first.to_s
elsif array_sorted[@a].last <= 35 && array_sorted[@a].last > 20
plentiful << array_sorted[@a].first.to_s
elsif array_sorted[@a].last <= 20 && array_sorted[@a].last > 8
good_source << array_sorted[@a].first.to_s
elsif array_sorted[@a].last <= 8 && array_sorted[@a].last > 2
small_amount << array_sorted[@a].first.to_s
elsif array_sorted[@a].last <= 2 && array_sorted[@a].last > 0
minimal_amount << array_sorted[@a].first.to_s
@a += 1
output = "Rich in #{rich.to_sentence}, ",
"Very Plentiful in #{very_plentiful.to_sentence}, ",
"Plentiful of #{plentiful.to_sentence}, ",
"a Good Source of #{good_source.to_sentence}, ",
"with Small Amounts of #{small_amount.to_sentence}, ",
"and Very Low in #{minimal_amount.to_sentence}."
rails I can't get past it
report = {
:cals => @total_cals,
:fat => @dv_fat,
:sfat => @dv_sfat,
:carbs => @dv_carbs,
:chol => @dv_chol,
:sodium => @dv_sodium,
rotein => @dv_protein,
:fiber => @dv_fiber,
:calcium => @dv_calcium,
:copper => @dv_copper,
:folid_acid => @dv_folid_acid,
:iron => @dv_iron,
:magnesium => @dv_magnesium,
:iron => @dv_iron,
antothenic_acid => @dv_pantothenic_acid,
hosphorus => @dv_phosphorus,
:riboflavin => @dv_riboflavin,
:thiamin => @dv_thiamin,
:a_iu => @dv_a_iu,
:b6 => @dv_b6,
:b12 => @dv_b12,
:c => @dv_c,
:d => @dv_d,
:e => @dv_e,
:zinc => @dv_zinc,
otassium => @dv_potassium }
Here is the method giving me trouble
def overview_text(report_hash)
array_sorted = report_hash.sort { |a,b| a[1] <=> b[1] }.reverse
rich = very_plentiful = plentiful = good_source =
small_amount = minimal_amount = Array.new
@a = 0
until @a == array_sorted.length
if array_sorted[@a].last > 35 && (array_sorted[@a][0] == :fat or
array_sorted[@a][0] == :carbs or array_sorted[@a][0] == rotein or
array_sorted[@a][0] == :fiber or array_sorted[@a][0] == :chol)
rich << array_sorted[@a].first.to_s
elsif array_sorted[@a].last > 35 && (array_sorted[@a][0] != :fat
or array_sorted[@a][0] != :carbs or array_sorted[@a][0] != rotein or
array_sorted[@a][0] != :fiber or array_sorted[@a][0] != :chol)
very_plentiful << array_sorted[@a].first.to_s
elsif array_sorted[@a].last <= 35 && array_sorted[@a].last > 20
plentiful << array_sorted[@a].first.to_s
elsif array_sorted[@a].last <= 20 && array_sorted[@a].last > 8
good_source << array_sorted[@a].first.to_s
elsif array_sorted[@a].last <= 8 && array_sorted[@a].last > 2
small_amount << array_sorted[@a].first.to_s
elsif array_sorted[@a].last <= 2 && array_sorted[@a].last > 0
minimal_amount << array_sorted[@a].first.to_s
@a += 1
output = "Rich in #{rich.to_sentence}, ",
"Very Plentiful in #{very_plentiful.to_sentence}, ",
"Plentiful of #{plentiful.to_sentence}, ",
"a Good Source of #{good_source.to_sentence}, ",
"with Small Amounts of #{small_amount.to_sentence}, ",
"and Very Low in #{minimal_amount.to_sentence}."