I am interested in writing a VHDL testbench for a VHDL component with
several generics. How do I go about changing the generics during the
course of a simulation?
It is my understanding that the generic values are fixed per a given
compile of the code. I can easily manipulate ports during a
simulation, but not generics.
Can this be done through a configuration, whereby I generate a number
of configurations for each set of generic values I wish to simulate?
I would then compile the configurations, and run each separately in
ModelSim. Is there an easier way to do this on the fly with only one
simulation file?
several generics. How do I go about changing the generics during the
course of a simulation?
It is my understanding that the generic values are fixed per a given
compile of the code. I can easily manipulate ports during a
simulation, but not generics.
Can this be done through a configuration, whereby I generate a number
of configurations for each set of generic values I wish to simulate?
I would then compile the configurations, and run each separately in
ModelSim. Is there an easier way to do this on the fly with only one
simulation file?