I have a rather basic question to ask. It reflects a lack of
understanding of how you solve problems with xml. But bear with me.
I'm a technical writer interested in producing good source code files.
The files will be created using an desktop xml editor, valid, etc. I
want to find a way to create a master document using relevant
portions of these multiple xml files which can then be converted into
a usable format.
The real situation I am dealing with.
I have recipes using this xml dtd
However the xml dtd is not exactly what I need. For example, I want
to includes chapters with text and things unrelated to recipes. And
then I want other chapters which are only recipes. Then I want
chapters which contain recipes.
So I want to run an xslt scipt to run down the list of recipebook xml
files and make a long file which I can then embed it into a xml
dialect more suitable for publishing (such as docbook).
But what if I add another recipe? What if I add need to add another no-
recipe chapter.
The problem is: I have no idea how to get started. Is the solution
generally to create my own dtd/schema which a specialized tag for
importing data from other dtds.
I appreciate the concept of xml; but I've never understood how xml
solves these kinds of problems. Hopefully someone from this group can
offer a few hints (or at least URLs)
Robert Nagle
Houston, Texas
understanding of how you solve problems with xml. But bear with me.
I'm a technical writer interested in producing good source code files.
The files will be created using an desktop xml editor, valid, etc. I
want to find a way to create a master document using relevant
portions of these multiple xml files which can then be converted into
a usable format.
The real situation I am dealing with.
I have recipes using this xml dtd
However the xml dtd is not exactly what I need. For example, I want
to includes chapters with text and things unrelated to recipes. And
then I want other chapters which are only recipes. Then I want
chapters which contain recipes.
So I want to run an xslt scipt to run down the list of recipebook xml
files and make a long file which I can then embed it into a xml
dialect more suitable for publishing (such as docbook).
But what if I add another recipe? What if I add need to add another no-
recipe chapter.
The problem is: I have no idea how to get started. Is the solution
generally to create my own dtd/schema which a specialized tag for
importing data from other dtds.
I appreciate the concept of xml; but I've never understood how xml
solves these kinds of problems. Hopefully someone from this group can
offer a few hints (or at least URLs)
Robert Nagle
Houston, Texas