in the example attached I did try to set some filter coeffs constants
for a fir filter (direct form I second order structure). Modelsim
complains on
Type mark "coeefficient_type" cannot be actual parameter.
Illegal name (subtype declaration "coeefficient_type") in expression.
Is there a limitation or simple a syntax error. Is there a way to do
this - how to get it?
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library floatfixlib;
use floatfixlib.math_utility_pkg.all; -- ieee_proposed for VHDL-93 version
use floatfixlib.fixed_pkg.all; -- ieee_proposed for compatibility version
entity df1tsos is
port (
clk : in std_ulogic;
clk_en : in std_ulogic;
reset : in std_ulogic;
input : in sfixed(16 downto -14); -- [-2 2)
output : out sfixed(16 downto -14) -- [-2 2)
end entity df1tsos;
architecture rtl of df1tsos is
subtype numerator_type is sfixed(16 downto -14); -- [-2 2)
subtype denominator_type is sfixed(16 downto -14); -- [-2 2)
subtype numerator_state_type is sfixed(16 downto -12); -- [-8 8)
subtype denominator_state_type is sfixed(16 downto -12); -- [-8 8)
subtype coeefficient_type is sfixed(16 downto -14); -- [-2 2)
signal numerator_s : numerator_type;
signal denominator_s : denominator_type;
constant b0_coeff : coeefficient_type := to_sfixed(
0.000000000000000, coeefficient_type);
constant b1_coeff : coeefficient_type := to_sfixed(
1.000000000000000, coeefficient_type);
constant b2_coeff : coeefficient_type := to_sfixed(
0.843811035156250, coeefficient_type);
constant a0_coeff : coeefficient_type := to_sfixed(
1.000000000000000, coeefficient_type);
constant a1_coeff : coeefficient_type :=
to_sfixed(-1.538757324218750, coeefficient_type);
constant a2_coeff : coeefficient_type := to_sfixed(
0.601013183593750, coeefficient_type);
end architecture rtl;
in the example attached I did try to set some filter coeffs constants
for a fir filter (direct form I second order structure). Modelsim
complains on
Type mark "coeefficient_type" cannot be actual parameter.
Illegal name (subtype declaration "coeefficient_type") in expression.
Is there a limitation or simple a syntax error. Is there a way to do
this - how to get it?
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library floatfixlib;
use floatfixlib.math_utility_pkg.all; -- ieee_proposed for VHDL-93 version
use floatfixlib.fixed_pkg.all; -- ieee_proposed for compatibility version
entity df1tsos is
port (
clk : in std_ulogic;
clk_en : in std_ulogic;
reset : in std_ulogic;
input : in sfixed(16 downto -14); -- [-2 2)
output : out sfixed(16 downto -14) -- [-2 2)
end entity df1tsos;
architecture rtl of df1tsos is
subtype numerator_type is sfixed(16 downto -14); -- [-2 2)
subtype denominator_type is sfixed(16 downto -14); -- [-2 2)
subtype numerator_state_type is sfixed(16 downto -12); -- [-8 8)
subtype denominator_state_type is sfixed(16 downto -12); -- [-8 8)
subtype coeefficient_type is sfixed(16 downto -14); -- [-2 2)
signal numerator_s : numerator_type;
signal denominator_s : denominator_type;
constant b0_coeff : coeefficient_type := to_sfixed(
0.000000000000000, coeefficient_type);
constant b1_coeff : coeefficient_type := to_sfixed(
1.000000000000000, coeefficient_type);
constant b2_coeff : coeefficient_type := to_sfixed(
0.843811035156250, coeefficient_type);
constant a0_coeff : coeefficient_type := to_sfixed(
1.000000000000000, coeefficient_type);
constant a1_coeff : coeefficient_type :=
to_sfixed(-1.538757324218750, coeefficient_type);
constant a2_coeff : coeefficient_type := to_sfixed(
0.601013183593750, coeefficient_type);
end architecture rtl;