I have exposed my Java web services to receive a SOAP Vector type and to
return results as a SOAP Vector.
Both vectors should contain Arrays of String.
My .net web application need to consume this web service and I have
added a web refernce to this Java web services.
But i encountered some "Object Reference Not Set To An Instance" error
in the following chunk of code.
Did i do something wrong here????
Dim arr1 As String() = {"1", "2"} 'an array of String
Dim arr2 As String() = {"3", "4"}
Dim arr3 As String() = {"5", "6"}
'' stockAppl is the project name
'' Enq is the web reference name
'' Vector is the class name
Dim myVector As New stockAppl.Enq.Vector()
myVector.item.SetValue(arr1, 0)
myVector.item.SetValue(arr2, 1)
myVector.item.SetValue(arr3, 2)
Dim abc As New stockAppl.Enq.EnquireStockWSService()
Dim myAL2 As stockAppl.Enq.Vector() = abc.EnquireStockWS(
return results as a SOAP Vector.
Both vectors should contain Arrays of String.
My .net web application need to consume this web service and I have
added a web refernce to this Java web services.
But i encountered some "Object Reference Not Set To An Instance" error
in the following chunk of code.
Did i do something wrong here????
Dim arr1 As String() = {"1", "2"} 'an array of String
Dim arr2 As String() = {"3", "4"}
Dim arr3 As String() = {"5", "6"}
'' stockAppl is the project name
'' Enq is the web reference name
'' Vector is the class name
Dim myVector As New stockAppl.Enq.Vector()
myVector.item.SetValue(arr1, 0)
myVector.item.SetValue(arr2, 1)
myVector.item.SetValue(arr3, 2)
Dim abc As New stockAppl.Enq.EnquireStockWSService()
Dim myAL2 As stockAppl.Enq.Vector() = abc.EnquireStockWS(