Samik R
I have a questions about how the contains() method works for a class in Collection framework with a user defined object. Do I have to do something special?
I tried the following example. But the output is not what I expected.
--------------- CODE --------------------
import java.util.*;
class Lane
{ int SNode, DNode;
public Lane(int SN, int DN)
{ SNode=SN; DNode=DN; }
public boolean equals(Lane o)
{ if(o.SNode==SNode && o.DNode==DNode) return true;
else return false;
class Bundle
{ HashSet<Lane> Lanes;
public Bundle(){ Lanes=new HashSet<Lane>(); }
public boolean add(Lane l){ return Lanes.add(l); }
public boolean contains(Lane l){ return Lanes.contains(l); }
public void printAll()
{ System.out.print("[ ");
for(Lane l : Lanes){ System.out.print("("+l.SNode+","+l.DNode+") "); }
public class Test
public static void main(String[] args)
{ Lane L1=new Lane(1,2), L2=new Lane(1,3);
Bundle B=new Bundle();
if(B.contains(L2)) System.out.println("Bundle has L2");
if(B.contains(new Lane(1,3))) System.out.println("Bundle has (1,3)");
-------------- OUTPUT ------------
[ (1,3) (1,2) ]
Bundle has L2
I was expecting to see "Bundle has (1,3)" in the output. My impression was that contains method internally calls equals method of the object concerned, so I even defined my own equals(). Still it did not work. What am I missing?
Also, one secondary question. I am sure this question has been discussed in many texts and newsgroup messages, but with google I couldn't find. What will be the exact set of keywords for my case to search? I tried [java "contains method" "user defined object"], [java Collection "contains method"] etc.
I have a questions about how the contains() method works for a class in Collection framework with a user defined object. Do I have to do something special?
I tried the following example. But the output is not what I expected.
--------------- CODE --------------------
import java.util.*;
class Lane
{ int SNode, DNode;
public Lane(int SN, int DN)
{ SNode=SN; DNode=DN; }
public boolean equals(Lane o)
{ if(o.SNode==SNode && o.DNode==DNode) return true;
else return false;
class Bundle
{ HashSet<Lane> Lanes;
public Bundle(){ Lanes=new HashSet<Lane>(); }
public boolean add(Lane l){ return Lanes.add(l); }
public boolean contains(Lane l){ return Lanes.contains(l); }
public void printAll()
{ System.out.print("[ ");
for(Lane l : Lanes){ System.out.print("("+l.SNode+","+l.DNode+") "); }
public class Test
public static void main(String[] args)
{ Lane L1=new Lane(1,2), L2=new Lane(1,3);
Bundle B=new Bundle();
if(B.contains(L2)) System.out.println("Bundle has L2");
if(B.contains(new Lane(1,3))) System.out.println("Bundle has (1,3)");
-------------- OUTPUT ------------
[ (1,3) (1,2) ]
Bundle has L2
I was expecting to see "Bundle has (1,3)" in the output. My impression was that contains method internally calls equals method of the object concerned, so I even defined my own equals(). Still it did not work. What am I missing?
Also, one secondary question. I am sure this question has been discussed in many texts and newsgroup messages, but with google I couldn't find. What will be the exact set of keywords for my case to search? I tried [java "contains method" "user defined object"], [java Collection "contains method"] etc.