Archi3 said:
I have the account file (account.dbm) from an older program I use...can I
just manipulate that file?
My background..VB6 programmer with little knowledge of PERL, CGI, Linux..etc
I was hoping I could take the files and DTS them into a SQL db or something
to that effect
Is there a program I can open the file in, that is windows based?
How was the DBM file created? Was it created with Perl or some other
If you have the code that produced the DBM file lying around, you
could modify it to write out each record to a CSV file (a comma
separated values file). _Most_, if not all modern RDBMS's have _some_
facility to import information into a database from a CSV file. That
was the basic jist of the previous reply.
Did you want to write a script to do this -or- were you looking for
someplace with something pre-made? If the later, go to It's an open source repository. There you may
find something pre-made. If you wanted to write your own, check out The latest "Perl Cookbook" article applies, in
part, to databases (DBD::SQLLite I believe). This may give you some
ideas. If nothing else, it will show you some Perl syntax and
generate some more questions and/or code.