Consider the equation (flight dynamics stuff):
Yaw (Degrees) = Azimuth Angle(Radians) * 180 (Degrees) /
3.1415926535897932384626433832795 (Radians)
There's a valid reason to use single precision floating point types.
The number of decimal digits guaranteed to be correct on my
implementation is 6. (i.e numeric_limits < float >::digits10 = 6 )
If I'm reading the IEEE standard, I'd could paraphrase the issue
surrounding conversion to a string and back _without_ loss of
precision as follows:
If a float is correct to a decimal string with a least 6 significant
decimal digits, and then converted back to a float, then the final
number must match the original.
IOW: given
float a = 1. F ;
float aa = 0. ;
std::stringstream s ;
s. precision ( 6 ) ;
s << std::scientific << a ;
s >> aa;
assert ( a != aa ) ;
No sweat
I have to serialize the Yaw answer above. The question: Is it safe to
state that my PI representation is useless beyond six significant
digits? I'd like for the C++ source to reflect my Matlab models but
I'm starting to get concerned here with the conversion aspect.
Is there a good source out there that will show me how far out I could
represent a value ( say PI ) for both single and double precision
before truncation/round off loss kicks in? ( I tend to struggle with
numeric_limits at times + coupled with all the idiosyncrasies of
machines and floating point types )
Yaw (Degrees) = Azimuth Angle(Radians) * 180 (Degrees) /
3.1415926535897932384626433832795 (Radians)
There's a valid reason to use single precision floating point types.
The number of decimal digits guaranteed to be correct on my
implementation is 6. (i.e numeric_limits < float >::digits10 = 6 )
If I'm reading the IEEE standard, I'd could paraphrase the issue
surrounding conversion to a string and back _without_ loss of
precision as follows:
If a float is correct to a decimal string with a least 6 significant
decimal digits, and then converted back to a float, then the final
number must match the original.
IOW: given
float a = 1. F ;
float aa = 0. ;
std::stringstream s ;
s. precision ( 6 ) ;
s << std::scientific << a ;
s >> aa;
assert ( a != aa ) ;
No sweat
I have to serialize the Yaw answer above. The question: Is it safe to
state that my PI representation is useless beyond six significant
digits? I'd like for the C++ source to reflect my Matlab models but
I'm starting to get concerned here with the conversion aspect.
Is there a good source out there that will show me how far out I could
represent a value ( say PI ) for both single and double precision
before truncation/round off loss kicks in? ( I tend to struggle with
numeric_limits at times + coupled with all the idiosyncrasies of
machines and floating point types )