Could you expand?


Mike Stephens

What is your server and what is your client? You talk about win32api -
how are you expecting that to run on your 'client'?

JS.class is code that runs in a browser, so you need to write your JS
program and insert it into the HTML you are serving to your web app.
It's relation to Ruby is that it resembles it to a degree, but it
doesn't interact.

Amit Tomar

Mike Stephens wrote in post #955936:
What is your server and what is your client? You talk about win32api -
how are you expecting that to run on your 'client'?

JS.class is code that runs in a browser, so you need to write your JS
program and insert it into the HTML you are serving to your web app.
It's relation to Ruby is that it resembles it to a degree, but it
doesn't interact.

Mike this is something i want to achieve

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