Your perl install is broken;
"It's not a bug."
it has been mangled by over-zealous packagers looking to save a few
bytes. You need to find which magic package to install to give you
the whole thing.
Fortunately, with the error message quoted above, the packagers
already made that a trivial thing to do.
JFTR: the purpose of such splits is to avoid the installation of
the documentation on the hosts that merely /run/ existing code,
and aren't used for the actual development. The installs I use
for Perl development are /ought/ to contain "perl-doc," but
I forgot to do it for this particular one, and I'm not quite
inclined to touch it in the foreseeable future. In the
meantime, I use and (Besides, Lynx is almost as fancy as
the Emacs' own WoMan browser.)
OK, if that works for you. A lot of Perl programmers use perldoc,
and rely on it working properly, so providing documentation perldoc
can't find is not helpful.
Nowhere have I opposed the use of perldoc. What I contest is
the use of perldoc as the ultimate judge of the documentation
To put it another way: if perldoc can't find the documentation,
-- it's clearly a bug. But it's not necessarily a bug in the
/documentation/ itself.
That being said, I'm (obviously) not familiar with perldoc.
Thus, I'm curious if there's any compelling reason for perldoc
/not/ to support, say, DocBook (or DITA, HTML, TEI, etc.)?
Why would I want to do that? The only thing I use groff for is to
read manpages.
ACK. Although I've found some other uses for groff on
occasions, as I've stated before, I don't usually use it for
reading the manpages, either.
If Perl is dying (which it isn't, by the way), it's not because we
don't use DocBook.
I didn't assert either of that. (Even though there're several
definitions of "dying," I guess I understand what you mean.)
My point is that I know of no reason for a programmer looking
for a new language to learn to choose Perl, and I'm not actually
seeing a lot of newcomers to join this group lately, either.
(As compared to, say, and
Why, should they get a Perl course on
Coursera, wouldn't it be rightful to call it "The glorious, and
overly long, history of the Perl programming language", or
something like that?)
The other point to note is that even though I'm using Perl for
almost decade and a half now (on and off), I still can't make
head or tail of it at times. On the contrary, while I have put
virtually no effort to learn Python whatsoever, I seem to
understand the code written in it quite well.
So, there're two reasons for me to stick to Perl. First of all,
it has a rich set of (quality) libraries (although Go, and
perhaps Python, Racket, etc. may surpass it in the near future,
if not already have), which appear to cover my demands well.
The other reason is that Perl isn't of the "one size fits all"
type. Contrast it with Python ("one indentation fits all"), or
Racket ("one package format fits all"), or Go ("one
documentation format fits all")...
... Or is it?