Cursing my objects?



Hello, I want to have a subclass of Class::DBI which can manage its
own HTML editing form.
I would create an instance from this class and have it yield its form
with default values. This is probably a mess among data
storage/presentation, which is the proper way to go about it?
The examples in FormBuilder's docs always show the values coming from
queries, or from other objects (typically an $sth result), but I want
something like:

my $t = MyApp::MyTable->retrieve(something); # a Class::DBI
my $form = $t->form;
print $form->render(values => $t);

However, the values() method as applied by render() seems to require
'a hashref or an object'. I am evidently getting something wrong on
the object side, as I need to access the blessed data inside $t
instead of $t proper. This seems rather quirky. Should I be getting
the values hashref from $t before the call to render? How? I've seen
an ACME::Damn module, is this pure nonsense? What's the recommended
Thanks in advance!

--Very confused

Ben Morrow

Hello, I want to have a subclass of Class::DBI which can manage its
own HTML editing form.
I would create an instance from this class and have it yield its form
with default values. This is probably a mess among data
storage/presentation, which is the proper way to go about it?
The examples in FormBuilder's docs always show the values coming from
queries, or from other objects (typically an $sth result), but I want
something like:

my $t = MyApp::MyTable->retrieve(something); # a Class::DBI
my $form = $t->form;
print $form->render(values => $t);

However, the values() method as applied by render() seems to require
'a hashref or an object'. I am evidently getting something wrong on
the object side, as I need to access the blessed data inside $t
instead of $t proper. This seems rather quirky. Should I be getting
the values hashref from $t before the call to render? How? I've seen
an ACME::Damn module, is this pure nonsense? What's the recommended

The OO-recommended approach is to give $t a method, say as_hashref,
that returns an unblessed copy of the data like this:

sub as_hashref {
my $s = shift;
return { %$s };

and then use

print $form->render(values => $t->as_hashref);

Then you can redo as_hashref if your implementation changes. If you
aren't bothered about breaking OO encapsulation (essentially, if you
don't mind making the fact that $t is a ref to a blessed hash part of
the published interface) then you can simply use

print $form->render(values => { %$t });




The OO-recommended approach is to give $t a method, say as_hashref,
that returns an unblessed copy of the data like this:

sub as_hashref {
my $s = shift;
return { %$s };
G R E A T ! ! ! ! ! !
For the life of me, I couldn't get that syntax. I had tried
$form->render(%$t), but omitted the curly brackets. By the way, I
still don't catch why I need them.
I owe you 5 terathanks anyway!

Ben Morrow

For the life of me, I couldn't get that syntax. I had tried
$form->render(%$t), but omitted the curly brackets. By the way, I
still don't catch why I need them.

$t is a reference to a blessed hash.

my %h = (k => "v");
my $t = bless \%h, "My::pack";

%$t derefs that ref, which in list context will return a list of
interleaved keys and values. So %$t, in list context, is

("k", "v")

.. Now, $form->render takes a list of parameters, and the value for the
'values' parameter should be a hashref. What you want to acheive is

$form->render(values => \%h);
or $form->render("values", \%h);
or $form->render("values", { "k", "v" });

Remember that {} is the anonymous hasref constructor. If you write
$form->render(%$t), this will give you $form->render("k", "v"), which
is quite wrong; if you write $form->render(values => $t) you get

$form->render( bless { k => "v" }, "My::pack" );

which is also wrong. $form->render(values => { %$t }), though, derefs
$t and returns the list, and then creates a new anonymous unblessed
hashref out of that list. That is what I meant when I said 'an
unblessed copy of the data'.

Clearer now? :)


Anno Siegel

Ben Morrow said:
(e-mail address removed) (Eduardo) wrote:

[how to access a blessed hashref as a hash]
The OO-recommended approach is to give $t a method, say as_hashref,
that returns an unblessed copy of the data like this:

sub as_hashref {
my $s = shift;
return { %$s };

and then use

print $form->render(values => $t->as_hashref);

Then you can redo as_hashref if your implementation changes. If you
aren't bothered about breaking OO encapsulation (essentially, if you
don't mind making the fact that $t is a ref to a blessed hash part of
the published interface) then you can simply use

print $form->render(values => { %$t });

This doesn't break encapsulation as badly as it seems to. If the
implementation changes and object isn't a hashref anymore, you can
always overload "%{}" to restore the behavior of "%$t". It gets
cumbersome when the object remains a hashref, but the contents change
so that "%$t" isn't usable in the old way any longer, but that can be
worked around too.



This doesn't break encapsulation as badly as it seems to. If the
implementation changes and object isn't a hashref anymore, you can
always overload "%{}" to restore the behavior of "%$t". It gets
cumbersome when the object remains a hashref, but the contents change
so that "%$t" isn't usable in the old way any longer, but that can be
worked around too.
Thank you! I am really amazed at your explanations, people. How would
I go about overloading %{}?

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