i want to do a series of replacements on a file in two passes - one at
'compile time', one at runtime. For a simple example, if i'm
creating 2 copies of a dynamic web page - one for each of two tables -
i would replace references to the table at 'compile time' and display
the particular values of a record from the table at runtime.It might
look like this
<% for column in #{table_name}.display_columns %>
<th class="th1"><%= column.name %></th>
<% end %>
So i want to replace #{table_name} in the first pass and the rest of
the stuff in the second pass. Since there could be a large number of
replacements at either time, I thought a solution using erb with
different tag sets might be reasonably maintainable.
My example pretty much works for that, with minor tweaks:
<% for column in #{table_name}.display_columns %>
<th class="th1"><%= column.name %></th>
<% end %>
=> "<body>\n \n <th class=\"th1\">col_one</th>\n \n <th class=
\"th1\">col_two</th>\n \n <th class=\"th1\">col_three</th>\n \n</
I wouldn't do it though. What's the harm of sticking the table name
in a variable each tim before you run the template through ERb?
Heck, run the templates like this:
ERB.new(template).result(table.instance_eval { binding })
And then just call display_columns directly.
Hope the helps.
James Edward Gray II