Hayo Thielecke
The deadline for CW'04 has been extended to 15 October. (Authors who have
already submitted may resubmit if they like.) --- Hayo Thielecke
The Fourth ACM-SIGPLAN Continuations Workshop (CW'04)
Venice, Italy, 17 January 2004
co-located with POPL'04 (14--16 January 2004)
Invited Speakers
Chris Barker (University of California, San Diego, US)
"Continuations and Natural Language"
Olivier Danvy (Aarhus, Denmark)
"On Evaluation Contexts, Continuations, and the Rest of the Computation"
Program Committee
* Kent Dybvig (Indiana, US)
* Matthias Felleisen (Northeastern, US)
* Masahito Hasegawa (Kyoto, Japan)
* Suresh Jagannathan (Purdue, US)
* Jim Laird (Sussex, UK)
* Thomas Streicher (Darmstadt, Germany)
* Hayo Thielecke (Birmingham, UK)
already submitted may resubmit if they like.) --- Hayo Thielecke
The Fourth ACM-SIGPLAN Continuations Workshop (CW'04)
Venice, Italy, 17 January 2004
co-located with POPL'04 (14--16 January 2004)
Invited Speakers
Chris Barker (University of California, San Diego, US)
"Continuations and Natural Language"
Olivier Danvy (Aarhus, Denmark)
"On Evaluation Contexts, Continuations, and the Rest of the Computation"
Program Committee
* Kent Dybvig (Indiana, US)
* Matthias Felleisen (Northeastern, US)
* Masahito Hasegawa (Kyoto, Japan)
* Suresh Jagannathan (Purdue, US)
* Jim Laird (Sussex, UK)
* Thomas Streicher (Darmstadt, Germany)
* Hayo Thielecke (Birmingham, UK)