Ruby Mania
My Connection String:
def open(database)
# Open ADO connection to the SQL Server database
connection_string = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;"
connection_string << "Persist Security Info=False;"
connection_string << "User ID=#{@username};"
connection_string << "password=#{@password};"
connection_string << "Initial Catalog=#{database};"
connection_string << "Data Source=#{@host};"
connection_string << "Network Library=dbmssocn"
@connection = WIN32OLE.new('ADODB.Connection')
The string gives error when I using the domain credentials. EG:
Username: domain\<username>
Password: whatever
OLE error code:80040E4D in Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Login failed for user 'domain\<username>'.
Please help !
Thanks ton !
def open(database)
# Open ADO connection to the SQL Server database
connection_string = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;"
connection_string << "Persist Security Info=False;"
connection_string << "User ID=#{@username};"
connection_string << "password=#{@password};"
connection_string << "Initial Catalog=#{database};"
connection_string << "Data Source=#{@host};"
connection_string << "Network Library=dbmssocn"
@connection = WIN32OLE.new('ADODB.Connection')
The string gives error when I using the domain credentials. EG:
Username: domain\<username>
Password: whatever
OLE error code:80040E4D in Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Login failed for user 'domain\<username>'.
Please help !
Thanks ton !