database in python ?



Hello I need to build table which need searching data which needs more
power then dictionary or list in python, can anyone help me what kind
of database suitable for python light and easy to learn. Is mySQL a
nice start with python ?

Sincerely Yours,

Klaus Alexander Seistrup

I need to build table which need searching data which needs more
power then dictionary or list in python, can anyone help me what
kind of database suitable for python light and easy to learn. Is
mySQL a nice start with python ?

You could try SQLite for Python: <>.



MySQL is an excellent option is very well documented. It is also a
defacto standard for OpenSource databases.

You will need to install the Python module MySQLdb. -->

There should be plenty of examples online too for using MySQLdb with

If you get more advanced, you can look into the SQLObject module which
allows you to use databases in a more Pythonic objective way.



MySQL is an excellent option is very well documented. It is also a
defacto standard for OpenSource databases.

MySQL sucks for anything but very very basic stuff as it supports no
transactions, foreign keys, procedures, triggers, concurrency, etc.
Postgresql is a lot better, free, and the psycopg adapter for Postgres is
*very very* fast (a lot faster than the MySQL one) and it has a
dictfetchall() method which is worth its weight in donuts !

Ola Natvig

Pierre-Frédéric Caillaud said:
MySQL sucks for anything but very very basic stuff as it supports
no transactions, foreign keys, procedures, triggers, concurrency, etc.
Postgresql is a lot better, free, and the psycopg adapter for
Postgres is *very very* fast (a lot faster than the MySQL one) and it
has a dictfetchall() method which is worth its weight in donuts !

MySQL has support for transactions and foreign keys in it's InnoDB
engine. In 5.0 it supports views procedures. Some people seems to hate
MySQL :) but a whole lot of other people like it a lot.

The thing is, if you don't spesificaly state that you want triggers,
concurrency and procedures I guess that your needs are quite basic.

However you won't be be disappointed with either MySQL or postgree in
your trunk :)



I need to build table which need searching data which needs more
power then dictionary or list in python, can anyone help me what
kind of database suitable for python light and easy to learn. Is
mySQL a nice start with python ?

It depends... mySQL is fine for more or less data centric applications
with many tables.

When I need SQL search power, but the number of tables/records is small
enough gadfly is the best bet. Contact database, CD catalog, extended
configuration data are proper examples. In such cases, gadfly is by far
faster, then "normal" relational databases.

Roy Smith

Hello I need to build table which need searching data which needs more
power then dictionary or list in python, can anyone help me what kind
of database suitable for python light and easy to learn. Is mySQL a
nice start with python ?

Sincerely Yours,

MySQL lacks some of the more advanced features of commercial SQL databases
like Oracle or Sybase, but other than that, it's an excellent and very
popular choice.

It's free, easy to install, runs on many platforms and has interfaces to
many languages (including Python). It's also been around a long time and
used on many large-scale projects, so you can have confidence that it's
stable. It's also well documented, both with on-line material from the
makers, and from third party publishers (I like the O'Reily book).

Fred Pacquier

Hello I need to build table which need searching data which needs more
power then dictionary or list in python, can anyone help me what kind
of database suitable for python light and easy to learn. Is mySQL a
nice start with python ?

There are a number of separate database engines with a python interface, as
others in the thread have shown. However, if you mostly work with one table
at a time, as you seem to imply, then you might have a look a Kirbybase :
it's a single python module, and databases don't come any lighter or easier
than that :)


If you want Simple you can use the following piece of code.
It won't work if you have a million records, but it's a nice intelligent
flatfile storage with a select where + order by and limit emulator.

# #########################################################

class ListMgr( object ):
def __init__( self, klass, filename ):
self.filename = filename
self.klass = klass

def load( self ):
self.contents = pickle.load( open( self.filename ))
print "Loaded %d items %s in %s" % (len(self.contents), self.klass,
except IOError:
print "Creating new contents for", type(self)
self.contents = {}

if self.contents:
self.insert_id = max( self.contents.keys() ) +1
self.insert_id = 1

def save( self ):
pickle.dump( self.contents, open( self.filename+'.tmp', 'w' ) )
os.rename( self.filename+'.tmp', self.filename )
print "Saved %d items %s in %s" % (len(self.contents), self.klass,

def new( self, **params ):
return self.klass( **params )

def insert( self, obj ):
assert not hasattr( obj, 'id' ) or is None = self.insert_id
self.insert_id += 1
self.contents[] = obj

def update( self, obj ):
assert is not None
self.contents[] = obj

def select( self, id ):
return self.contents[ id ]

def delete( self, id ):
del self.contents[ id ]

def count( self ):
return len( self.contents )

# where is a lambda function, order_by is a cmp function, limit is a slice
def select_multiple( self, where=None, order_by=None ):
if where:
c = filter( where, self.contents.itervalues() )
c = self.contents.values()
if order_by:
c.sort( order_by )
return c

# #########################################################

class ListEntry( object ):
def __init__( self, **params ):
self.__dict__ = dict.fromkeys( self.get_fields() )
self.__dict__.update( params )

def get_fields( self ):
return ()

def display( self ):
print '-'*40
if hasattr( self, 'id' ):
print "id :",
for k in self.get_fields():
print k," :",getattr(self,k)

# #########################################################

class AddressBookEntry( ListEntry ):
def get_fields( self ):
return 'name', 'address', 'zipcode', 'city', 'country', 'phone'
get_fields = classmethod( get_fields )

class AddressBook( ListMgr ):
def __init__( self, fname ):
super( AddressBook, self ).__init__( AddressBookEntry, fname )

R. C. James Harlow

psycopg ... has a dictfetchall() method which is worth its weight in
donuts !

It's very simple to write one for MySQLdb:

def dictfetchall(cursor):
'''Takes a MySQLdb cursor and returns the rows as dictionaries.'''
col_names = [ d[0] for d in cursor.description ]
return [ dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in cur.fetchall() ]

In truth, although postgres has more features, MySQL is probably better for
someone who is just starting to use databases to develop for: the chances are
higher that anyone using their code will have MySQL than Postgres, and they
aren't going to need the features that Postgresql has that MySQL doesn't.
IMO, this has changed since only a year or two ago, when MySQL didn't support
foreign-key constraints.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


Andy Dustman

Pierre-Frédéric Caillaud said:
MySQL sucks for anything but very very basic stuff as it supports no

Transactions available since 3.23.17 (June 2000)
foreign keys,

Foreign keys available since 3.23.44 (Oct 2001)

Stored procedures available since 5.0 (5.0.3 is the current beta)

Triggers available since 5.0.2
concurrency, etc.

Who knows what *this* means. Anyone who thinks MySQL can't handle
multiple concurrent connections is clearly delusional or ignorant.
Postgresql is a lot better, free, and the psycopg adapter for Postgres is
*very very* fast (a lot faster than the MySQL one) and it has a
dictfetchall() method which is worth its weight in donuts !

Postgresql is also a fine database. But note that MySQLdb (the Python
adapter) also has an equivalent mechanism for returning rows as
dictionaries. As for speed: I don't do any benchmarking, but there
should be no substantial speed differences between the two interfaces.

Roel Schroeven

Ola said:
MySQL has support for transactions and foreign keys in it's InnoDB
engine. In 5.0 it supports views procedures. Some people seems to hate
MySQL :) but a whole lot of other people like it a lot.

There are other problems, such as failing silently in many
circumstances, as documented on
I'm not saying these issues should make one avoid MySQL at all costs,
but I think one should at least be aware of them.

Steve Holden

Pierre-Frédéric Caillaud said:
MySQL sucks for anything but very very basic stuff as it supports
no transactions, foreign keys, procedures, triggers, concurrency, etc.
Postgresql is a lot better, free, and the psycopg adapter for
Postgres is *very very* fast (a lot faster than the MySQL one) and it
has a dictfetchall() method which is worth its weight in donuts !

While I wouldn't necessarily disagree with your assessment of the
relative merits of those two databases your information about MySQL is
somewhat out of date - for example, it has supported transactions for
almost two years now.


Uwe Grauer

Pierre-Frédéric Caillaud said:
MySQL sucks for anything but very very basic stuff as it supports
no transactions, foreign keys, procedures, triggers, concurrency, etc.
Postgresql is a lot better, free, and the psycopg adapter for
Postgres is *very very* fast (a lot faster than the MySQL one) and it
has a dictfetchall() method which is worth its weight in donuts !

Yes, Postgresql is a lot better than MySQL but take a look at Firebird
to see how easy a full featured db-System could be.
Use kinterbasdb from Sourceforge to get Firebird into Python.


Buck Nuggets

In truth, although postgres has more features, MySQL is probably
better for someone who is just starting to use databases to develop
for: the chances are higher that anyone using their code will have
MySQL than Postgres, and they aren't going to need the features
that Postgresql has that MySQL doesn't. IMO, this has changed
since only a year or two ago, when MySQL didn't support foreign-key

mysql does deserve serious consideration now that it supports
transactions. However, keep in mind:

1. mysql doesn't support transactions - one of its io layers (innodb)
does. If you're hoping to get your application hosted you will find
that most mysql installations don't support innodb. And due to the
bugs in mysql, when you attempt to create a transaction-safe table in
mysql if innodb isn't available it will just silently create it in
myisam, and your transactions will be silently ignored.

2. mysql is still missing quite a few database basics - views are the
most amazing omission, but the list also includes triggers and stored
procedures as well. Although most of these features are included in
the new beta, they aren't yet available in production.

3. mysql has an enormous number of non-standard features such as
comment formatting, how nulls work, concatenation operator, etc. This
means that you'll learn non-standard sql, and most likely write
non-portable sql.

4. additionally, mysql has a peculiar set of bugs - in which the
database will change your data and report no exception. These bugs
were probably a reflection of mysql's marketing message that the
database should do nothing but persist data, and data quality was the
responsibility of the application. This self-serving message appears
to have been dropped now that they are catching up with other products,
but there's a legacy of cruft that still remains. Examples of these
errors include: silent truncation of strings to fit max varchar
length, allows invalid dates, truncation of numeric data to fit max
numeric values, etc.

5. cost: mysql isn't expensive, but it isn't free either. Whether or
not you get to use it for free depends on how you interpret their
licensing info and faq. MySQL's recommendation if you're confused (and
many are) is to license the product or call one of their reps.

Bottomline - mysql has a lot of marketshare, is improving, and I'm sure
that it'll eventually be a credible product. But right now it's has a
wide range of inexcusable problems.

More info at



Bottomline - mysql has a lot of marketshare, is improving, and I'm sure
that it'll eventually be a credible product. But right now it's has a
wide range of inexcusable problems.

I so totally agree with you.
I find that mysql promotes bad coding practices by ignoring errors and
substituting invalid data with factory defaults. If it complained when an
obvious error occured (like inserting an invalid date or saying "I can't
fit this data in this column") it would be easy to find the bug ; instead
it shows up months later in creepy ways when you realize part of your data
was truncated, or otherwise screwed up in quite imaginative ways, and you
have to fix the damn thing by hand, burning your eyes on phpmyadmin
Also most of the interesting features are in the Beta 5.0 !
I find it ironic that it's the biggest open source database while there
are a lot of really free alternatives like firebird or postgres, which
have all the good features Right Now, and which Just Work. There is also a
lot of marketing hype and frankly I have no trust at all in a company
which was making public statements like "Who needs foreign keys ?" just
because their product didnot supports them, then when it supports them,
changing their PR to match.

Andy Dustman

Buck said:
1. mysql doesn't support transactions - one of its io layers (innodb)
does. If you're hoping to get your application hosted you will find
that most mysql installations don't support innodb. And due to the
bugs in mysql, when you attempt to create a transaction-safe table in
mysql if innodb isn't available it will just silently create it in
myisam, and your transactions will be silently ignored.

That's not a bug; it's an explicitly-stated design choice.

If a storage engine is specified that is not available, MySQL
uses MyISAM instead.
2. mysql is still missing quite a few database basics - views are the
most amazing omission, but the list also includes triggers and stored
procedures as well. Although most of these features are included in
the new beta, they aren't yet available in production.

Views, triggers, stored procedures are all available in 5.0.2 (beta).
3. mysql has an enormous number of non-standard features such as
comment formatting, how nulls work, concatenation operator, etc. This
means that you'll learn non-standard sql, and most likely write
non-portable sql.

SET GLOBAL sql_mode='ansi'; and you won't have to worry about it.
4. additionally, mysql has a peculiar set of bugs - in which the
database will change your data and report no exception. These bugs
were probably a reflection of mysql's marketing message that the
database should do nothing but persist data, and data quality was the
responsibility of the application. This self-serving message appears
to have been dropped now that they are catching up with other products,
but there's a legacy of cruft that still remains. Examples of these
errors include: silent truncation of strings to fit max varchar
length, allows invalid dates, truncation of numeric data to fit max
numeric values, etc.

MySQL gives warnings when data is truncated or misformatted.

Since we're in comp.lang.python, MySQLdb-1.2 uses the warnings module
to alert you to this. MySQLdb-1.0 and earlier would raise a Warning
exception (or not, if you used a different cursor class).

Implicit default column values can disabled in 5.0.2 by running the
server in strict mode.
5. cost: mysql isn't expensive, but it isn't free either. Whether or
not you get to use it for free depends on how you interpret their
licensing info and faq. MySQL's recommendation if you're confused (and
many are) is to license the product or call one of their reps.

MySQL is licensed under the GPL. You can buy a commercial license if
you don't want the GPL's restrictions.
Bottomline - mysql has a lot of marketshare, is improving, and I'm sure
that it'll eventually be a credible product. But right now it's has a
wide range of inexcusable problems.

It's not a bug if you didn't RTFM.

Buck Nuggets

It's not a bug if you didn't RTFM.

Maybe it's not a bug if it's the only DBMS you've ever used and you
actually believe that overriding explicit & critical declaratives is a
valid "design choice". But it is a bug if it's still only partially
supported in a beta version that nobody is yet hosting.

But maybe this release will actually fix ten years of negligence in one
fell swoop - and all these issues will be easily eliminated. But just
in case that turns out to be difficult, and there's some reason it has
taken all this time to achive, just wait and see what this guys finds:

BTW, you should upgrade, they're now on 5.0.3. Their support site
appears to be down right now (timeouts) so I can't check the new bug
list, but since 5.0.2 is beta, it may have introduced more problems
than it solved.



It's not a bug if you didn't RTFM.

I did read it in much detail !

In fact I spent a lot of time trying to make understand how it could do a
simple 4-table join to display also purchased products on an online store.
The damn query took 0.5 seconds to execute no matter how I twisted it in
and out !
Postgres did it in 0.5 milliseconds.
I had to split the query in two in the application !

Speaking of the manual, the mysql manual is quite... well... i don't
quite find the word, but it has many sentences which sound like PR stuff.
Like, we don't do this like you or anyone would expect, but there is a
reason ! Embrace our school of thought, stop worrying about integrity !
Peace, my friend, etc. And the non-working examples posted in the user
comments are nice to look at, too. The organization of the manual is a
mess, too, it's often quite difficult to find what I seek. The postgres
manual is just wonderful.

I know I'm feeding the flamewar, but I can't resist, once I came up on a
post on the mysql website from a guy basically saying "wow, the fulltext
is so powerful, I can search this document set in only half a second !"
and then the same day, on the postgres mailinglist, there was a message
from a guy who was really upset because his full text search on something
like 1000 times bigger would take more than one tenth a second, and that
wan't really acceptable for him, and then several competent people
responded and helped him make it work.

That's also why I want to use postgres.

Steve Holden

Terry Hancock wrote:
That's interesting. Most sources I've read seemed to suggest that postgresql
is slower than MySQL, at least for modest size tables. There must, I suppose,
be some turnover point on the size of the database? Or are you arguing that
postgresql is now faster than MySQL in the general case? Can you suggest
sources for investigating that formally?

It's just possible that I should reconsider Postgresql compatibility. I
would assume that using the Python DB API would make portability
between the two easier in any case, wouldn't it?


I don't know about the whole picture, but I know form evidence on this
group that there are PostgreSQL driver modules (the name "psycopg" comes
to mind, but this may be false memory) that appear to take diabolical
liberties with DBAPI-2.0, whereas my experience with MySQLdb has been
that I can interchange the driver with mxODBC (for example) as a drop-in
replacement (modulo the differing paramstyles :-().


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