Here's one possibility... create your own header and put the student's name
in it. Then, just display the two columns.
Dim dt As DataTable
Private Sub Page_Load _
(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles MyBase.Load
DataGrid1.DataSource = CreateDataSource()
End Sub
Private Sub DataGrid1_ItemDataBound _
(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As _
System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridItemEventArgs) _
Handles DataGrid1.ItemDataBound
' Add the header and text
If e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Header Then
' Get the collection of cells from the grid
Dim tcells As TableCellCollection
tcells = e.Item.Cells
' Create a new cell
Dim fcell As New TableCell
Dim lblHeader As New Label
' Assign text to the label
lblHeader.Text = dt.Rows(0).Item(0)
' Span the cell to however many columns there are
fcell.ColumnSpan = tcells.Count
' Create a new footer object
Dim dgItemHeader As New DataGridItem _
(0, 0, ListItemType.Header)
Dim dgItemOldHeader As DataGridItem
' Create an instance of the header
'from the current header object
dgItemOldHeader = e.Item
' Delete the existing header
' Add the cell to the header
dgItemHeader.Visible = True
' Add the header to the datagrid
End If
End Sub
Function CreateDataSource() As ICollection
' Create sample data for the DataList control.
dt = New DataTable
Dim dr As DataRow
' Define the columns of the table.
dt.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Student", GetType(String)))
dt.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Subject", GetType(String)))
dt.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Day", GetType(String)))
' Populate the table with sample values.
dr = dt.NewRow
dr(0) = "Ben"
dr(1) = "English"
dr(2) = "Thursday"
dr = dt.NewRow
dr(0) = "Ben"
dr(1) = "Geology"
dr(2) = "Monday"
dr = dt.NewRow
dr(0) = "Ben"
dr(1) = "Physics"
dr(2) = "Tuesday"
Dim dv As DataView = New DataView(dt)
Return dv
End Function
ataGrid id="DataGrid1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False">
<asp:BoundColumn DataField="Subject"></asp:BoundColumn>
<asp:BoundColumn DataField="Day"></asp:BoundColumn>