I have 2 linked datagrids on a web page, a master and a detail. Both are
set as paged. The first contains accounts and the second contains the
details for each account. In my dev environment everything works OK - both
page etc as expected. In production paging works on the detail grid but not
on the master. The master displays the correct number of pages but refuses
to move from page 1. Selecting a page 1 account brings up the correct
details, which can be paged. I'm new to this stuff and while it looks like
it's got something to do with postback I can't figure out what, especially
as it works in dev.
Any help gratefully received.
Regards H
I have 2 linked datagrids on a web page, a master and a detail. Both are
set as paged. The first contains accounts and the second contains the
details for each account. In my dev environment everything works OK - both
page etc as expected. In production paging works on the detail grid but not
on the master. The master displays the correct number of pages but refuses
to move from page 1. Selecting a page 1 account brings up the correct
details, which can be paged. I'm new to this stuff and while it looks like
it's got something to do with postback I can't figure out what, especially
as it works in dev.
Any help gratefully received.
Regards H