Datagrids Item Templetes not found by compiler


Michael Evanchik

Basically im using a mutltiline textbox in a datagrid since i cant get
text to wrap in a grid. If i refer to the textbox by id in any vb code
the compiler says the object does not exist. If instead i refer to the
value by the datagrid cell im getting a invalid class error from the
same code i have always used to get values from a cell. Here is the
code i am talking about....

This is my datagrid code
<asp:EditCommandColumn EditText="" UpdateText=""/>
<asp:BoundColumn DataField="id" HeaderText="id" readonly="true" />
etc etc etc
<asp:TextBox id="txt_desc_g" Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container,
"dataitem.job_description") %>' Columns="85" TextMode="MultiLine"
rows="18" Runat="server" visible="True" ></asp:TextBox>

If this is an a subroutine
sub test
txt_desc_g.text = ""
end sub

The compiler tells me txt_desc_g.text doest not exist

In turn i use the code that works fine for non template columns...

txtstr = e.item.cells(2).controls(0)
tempstr = txtstr.text

Im gettin an error invalid cast?

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