So, if my query is:
SELECT [id], [date], [time], [employee] FROM [changes] WHERE ([date] =
How do I modify this statement?
Are you really only interested in the way the date is displayed in SQL
Analyzer, or are you talking about changing the presentation of the date
when displayed on a web page...?
This is my query defined to an SQLDataAdapter. When the web page
the date column contains the date and a time of 12:00:00. I dont want
time displayed as I have time displayed in another column.
That's what I suspected. This has nothing whatever to do with either SQL
Server or with your query...
What you need to do is to change the way the data is presented to the user
on the web page, not how it's fetched from the database.
How you do this will depend what control you're using to display the data.
You mention "another column", so I'm guessing you're using a GridView...?
In which case, just add the following to the date column:
DataFormatString="{0:ddd dd MMM yyyy}" HtmlEncode="false"