date format




sorry, i'm a beginner :)
i have a file and the first line looks like:

%%%%%%%% HEADER Fri Jun 16 17:21:03 MEST 2006 %%%%%%%%%%%%

my question: how chan i get the date in this header in a format like:

thanks for help!

Josef Moellers

spross said:

sorry, i'm a beginner :)
i have a file and the first line looks like:

%%%%%%%% HEADER Fri Jun 16 17:21:03 MEST 2006 %%%%%%%%%%%%

my question: how chan i get the date in this header in a format like:

What have you tried so far and where did it fail?

Please post the code that you think should do the work and we'll comment
and help.

Bart Van der Donck

spross said:
sorry, i'm a beginner :)
i have a file and the first line looks like:

%%%%%%%% HEADER Fri Jun 16 17:21:03 MEST 2006 %%%%%%%%%%%%

my question: how chan i get the date in this header in a format like:

use strict;
use warnings;
my $file =
'%%%%%%%% HEADER Fri Jun 16 17:21:03 MEST 2006 %%%%%%%%%%%%
my @m = ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May',
'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec');
my @ar = split / /, (split /\n/, $file)[0];
$ar[3] =~ s/$m[$_]/@{[sprintf('%02g',$_+1)]}/ for (0..$#m);
die "Can't find month '$ar[3]'\n" unless $ar[3]=~/^(0|1)[0-9]$/;
print $ar[7], $ar[3], sprintf('%02g',$ar[4]);


Hope this helps,

John W. Krahn

spross said:
sorry, i'm a beginner :)
i have a file and the first line looks like:

%%%%%%%% HEADER Fri Jun 16 17:21:03 MEST 2006 %%%%%%%%%%%%

my question: how chan i get the date in this header in a format like:

$ perl -le'
$_ = q[%%%%%%%% HEADER Fri Jun 16 17:21:03 MEST 2006 %%%%%%%%%%%%];
my %mons = qw/
Jan 1 Feb 2 Mar 3 Apr 4 May 5 Jun 6
Jul 7 Aug 8 Sep 9 Oct 10 Nov 11 Dec 12
/ \s
(?: Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun )
( @{[ join q[|], keys %mons ]} )
( \d\d? )
\d{2} : \d{2} : \d{2}
( \d{4} )
/x && ( $_ = sprintf q[%04d%02d%02d], $3, $mons{ $1 }, $2 );
%%%%%%%% HEADER Fri Jun 16 17:21:03 MEST 2006 %%%%%%%%%%%%


Mumia W.

spross said:

sorry, i'm a beginner :)
i have a file and the first line looks like:

%%%%%%%% HEADER Fri Jun 16 17:21:03 MEST 2006 %%%%%%%%%%%%

my question: how chan i get the date in this header in a format like:

thanks for help!

Use Date::parse and Date::Format:

use Date::parse qw(str2time);
use Date::Format qw(time2str);

local $_ = q{
%%%%%%%% HEADER Fri Jun 16 17:21:03 MEST 2006 %%%%%%%%%%%%

if (m/HEADER ([^%]+)/) {
my $time = str2time($1);
print "\$time = $time\n";
print time2str("%Y%m%d", $time);


Ian Wilson

Bart said:
spross wrote:

sorry, i'm a beginner :)
i have a file and the first line looks like:

%%%%%%%% HEADER Fri Jun 16 17:21:03 MEST 2006 %%%%%%%%%%%%

my question: how chan i get the date in this header in a format like:

use strict;
use warnings;
my $file =
'%%%%%%%% HEADER Fri Jun 16 17:21:03 MEST 2006 %%%%%%%%%%%%
my @m = ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May',
'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec');
my @ar = split / /, (split /\n/, $file)[0];
$ar[3] =~ s/$m[$_]/@{[sprintf('%02g',$_+1)]}/ for (0..$#m);
die "Can't find month '$ar[3]'\n" unless $ar[3]=~/^(0|1)[0-9]$/;
print $ar[7], $ar[3], sprintf('%02g',$ar[4]);


Hope this helps,

I'm not a beginner and I found this example rather obscure and hard to
understand. Perl needn't look that much like line noise IMO.

I'd put the data in a DATA section since it gives a structure
'while(<>){}' that is closer to the way most peaple read data files.

I'd use meaningful variable names since the OP claims to be a beginner
(though I think they're a good idea no matter your level of experience)

Here's how I would do it ...

use strict;
use warnings;
my $i = 1;
my %monthno = map {$_, $i++}
qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
while(<DATA>) {
if (/HEADER \w+ (\w+) (\d+) \d+:\d+:\d+ \w+ (\d+)/) {
die "unknown month name $1" unless $monthno{$1};
printf ("%4d%.2d%2d\n", $3, $monthno{$1}, $2);
%%%%%%%% HEADER Fri Jun 16 17:21:03 MEST 2006 %%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%% HEADER Fri Foo 16 17:21:03 MEST 2006 %%%%%%%%%%%%

Doubtless it can be improved in many ways (and I, for one, would be
interested to see how). I nearly named $i as $index but for me the
purpose and content of $i is clear enough.


[previous solution snipped]
I'm not a beginner and I found this example rather obscure and hard to
understand. Perl needn't look that much like line noise IMO.

I'd put the data in a DATA section since it gives a structure
'while(<>){}' that is closer to the way most peaple read data files.

I'd use meaningful variable names since the OP claims to be a beginner
(though I think they're a good idea no matter your level of experience)

Here's how I would do it ...

use strict;
use warnings;
my $i = 1;
my %monthno = map {$_, $i++}
qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
while(<DATA>) {
if (/HEADER \w+ (\w+) (\d+) \d+:\d+:\d+ \w+ (\d+)/) {
die "unknown month name $1" unless $monthno{$1};
printf ("%4d%.2d%2d\n", $3, $monthno{$1}, $2);
%%%%%%%% HEADER Fri Jun 16 17:21:03 MEST 2006 %%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%% HEADER Fri Foo 16 17:21:03 MEST 2006 %%%%%%%%%%%%

Doubtless it can be improved in many ways (and I, for one, would be
interested to see how). I nearly named $i as $index but for me the
purpose and content of $i is clear enough.

In production code I would provide a smaller scope for $i. "do" blocks
can be handy for that (untested):

my %monthno = do {
my $i = 0;
map { $_ => ++ $i }
qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);

Alternatively, one of the date/time modules from CPAN could be used.
I happen to have Date::parse around.

use Date::parse qw( strptime);

my $line = "%%%%%%%% HEADER Fri Jun 16 17:21:03 MEST 2006 %%%%%%%%%%%%";
my ($day,$month,$year) = (strptime( $line =~ /% HEADER (.*) %/))[ 3 .. 5];
printf "%4d%02d%02d\n", $year + 1900, $month + 1, $day;


Bart Van der Donck

Ian said:
Bart said:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $file =
'%%%%%%%% HEADER Fri Jun 16 17:21:03 MEST 2006
my @m = ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May',
'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec');
my @ar = split / /, (split /\n/, $file)[0];
$ar[3] =~ s/$m[$_]/@{[sprintf('%02g',$_+1)]}/ for (0..$#m);
die "Can't find month '$ar[3]'\n" unless $ar[3]=~/^(0|1)[0-9]$/;
print $ar[7], $ar[3], sprintf('%02g',$ar[4]);


Hope this helps,

I'm not a beginner and I found this example rather obscure and hard to
understand. Perl needn't look that much like line noise IMO.

I think you've entered the domain of personal preferences here. As far
as I'm concerned, my code doesn't read as line noise (I can easliy
follow it, but hey, that's me).

I for one have more difficulty to follow Mr Krahn's code, as I'm not
too confident with some of his techniques... But I do think that his
code will be perceived as more obscure by a beginner when you juxtapose
it next to mine.

But of course I do like occasional "sport lines" like

$ar[3] =~ s/$m[$_]/@{[sprintf('%02g',$_+1)]}/ for (0..$#m);

in stead of splitting it up in 5 lines or so, like I would rather do in
production code. Just do myself a favour in the future :)
I'd put the data in a DATA section since it gives a structure
'while(<>){}' that is closer to the way most peaple read data files.

I agree, that would have been better indeed.
I'd use meaningful variable names since the OP claims to be a beginner
(though I think they're a good idea no matter your level of experience)

$file = file
@ar short for array (which isn't descriptive for its content of course,
but the content of that array is not univocal here anyway)
@m short for @months

Well, yes, when written in full they would become more meaningful I

Ian Wilson

Bart said:
But of course I do like occasional "sport lines" like

$ar[3] =~ s/$m[$_]/@{[sprintf('%02g',$_+1)]}/ for (0..$#m);

in stead of splitting it up in 5 lines or so, like I would rather do in
production code. Just do myself a favour in the future :)

Yes, so far as I can tell, the above is identical to

my $i = 0;
$ar[3] =~ s/$_/sprintf "%02g",++$i/e for (@m);

using s///e instead of s//@{[]}/
and using the array more like a list.

With didactic variable names ...

my $monthnumber = 0;
foreach my $monthname (@monthnames){
$line =~s/$monthname/sprintf "%02g", ++$monthnumber/e;

Which, personally, I do prefer :)


Bart Van der Donck said:
spross wrote:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $file =
'%%%%%%%% HEADER Fri Jun 16 17:21:03 MEST 2006 %%%%%%%%%%%%
my @m = ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May',
'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec');
my @ar = split / /, (split /\n/, $file)[0];
$ar[3] =~ s/$m[$_]/@{[sprintf('%02g',$_+1)]}/ for (0..$#m);
die "Can't find month '$ar[3]'\n" unless $ar[3]=~/^(0|1)[0-9]$/;
print $ar[7], $ar[3], sprintf('%02g',$ar[4]);

It seems a bit overcomplicated :)


use strict;
use warnings;

my $s ='%%%%%%%% HEADER Fri Jun 16 17:21:03 MEST 2006 %%%%%%%%%%%%';

my %mon = (Jan => 1, Feb => 2, Mar => 3, Apr => 4, May => 5,
Jun => 6, Jul => 7, Aug => 8, Sep => 9, Oct => 10,
Nov => 11, Dec => 12);

my ($month, $date, $year) = (split ' ', $s)[3, 4, 7];
printf ("%.4d%.2d%.2d\n", $year, $mon{$month}, $date);



John W. Krahn

Bart said:
spross said:
sorry, i'm a beginner :)
i have a file and the first line looks like:

%%%%%%%% HEADER Fri Jun 16 17:21:03 MEST 2006 %%%%%%%%%%%%

my question: how chan i get the date in this header in a format like:

use strict;
use warnings;
my $file =
'%%%%%%%% HEADER Fri Jun 16 17:21:03 MEST 2006 %%%%%%%%%%%%
my @m = ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May',
'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec');
my @ar = split / /, (split /\n/, $file)[0];

A lot of date formats use a leading space for single digit days so splitting
on a single space character will give you an off-by-one error on the day and
year fields.

$ar[3] =~ s/$m[$_]/@{[sprintf('%02g',$_+1)]}/ for (0..$#m);

Is there a good reason to use a floating-point format ('g') instead of an
integer format ('i', 'd' or 'u')?

die "Can't find month '$ar[3]'\n" unless $ar[3]=~/^(0|1)[0-9]$/;

Why use an alternation with capturing parentheses instead of a character
class? Where do you use the value stored in $1?

print $ar[7], $ar[3], sprintf('%02g',$ar[4]);


John W. Krahn

Bart said:
spross said:
sorry, i'm a beginner :)
i have a file and the first line looks like:

%%%%%%%% HEADER Fri Jun 16 17:21:03 MEST 2006 %%%%%%%%%%%%

my question: how chan i get the date in this header in a format like:

use strict;
use warnings;
my $file =
'%%%%%%%% HEADER Fri Jun 16 17:21:03 MEST 2006 %%%%%%%%%%%%
my @m = ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May',
'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec');
my @ar = split / /, (split /\n/, $file)[0];

A lot of date formats use a leading space for single digit days so splitting
on a single space character will give you an off-by-one error on the day and
year fields.

$ar[3] =~ s/$m[$_]/@{[sprintf('%02g',$_+1)]}/ for (0..$#m);

Is there a good reason to use a floating-point format ('g') instead of an
integer format ('i', 'd' or 'u')?

die "Can't find month '$ar[3]'\n" unless $ar[3]=~/^(0|1)[0-9]$/;

Why use an alternation with capturing parentheses instead of a character
class? Where do you use the value stored in $1? So you are saying that 19 is
a valid month?

print $ar[7], $ar[3], sprintf('%02g',$ar[4]);


Bart Van der Donck

John said:
A lot of date formats use a leading space for single digit days so splitting
on a single space character will give you an off-by-one error on the day and
year fields.

Yes, I think I remember there was something tricky with it, that's why
I did sprintf('%02g',$ar[4]); in stead of just print $ar[4] in my
program. Thanks for pointing that out, the solution is simple:

my @ar = split / +/, (split /\n/, $file)[0];
$ar[3] =~ s/$m[$_]/@{[sprintf('%02g',$_+1)]}/ for (0..$#m);

Is there a good reason to use a floating-point format ('g') instead of an
integer format ('i', 'd' or 'u')?

Well, it's there to guarantee the two-digit MM (month) format. I don't
see any drawbacks for that here, but maybe I'm not fully aware of the
exact finetunings of this construction.
die "Can't find month '$ar[3]'\n" unless $ar[3]=~/^(0|1)[0-9]$/;

Why use an alternation with capturing parentheses instead of a character
class? Where do you use the value stored in $1? So you are saying that 19 is
a valid month?

You're right, something like

die "..." unless $ar[3]=~ /^0[1-9]$|^1[0-2]$/;

should do.

Thanks for your comment. I learnt from it.

John W. Krahn

Bart said:
John said:
$ar[3] =~ s/$m[$_]/@{[sprintf('%02g',$_+1)]}/ for (0..$#m);
Is there a good reason to use a floating-point format ('g') instead of an
integer format ('i', 'd' or 'u')?

Well, it's there to guarantee the two-digit MM (month) format. I don't
see any drawbacks for that here, but maybe I'm not fully aware of the
exact finetunings of this construction.

The array index (0..$#m) will always be an integer. The underlying C library
uses type promotion so the integer will be converted to a double
floating-point number in order to convert it to a string. If the integer is
large enough it will be converted using scientific notation:

$ perl -le'print for $^T, sprintf( q[%02g], $^T ), sprintf q[%02d], $^T'


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