Josh Sharpe
Before you jump to an answer here, please don't suggest that I use
_strptime. Going that route forces my users to give me the date and/or
time in the format that I specify. Which is really not optimal.
So the problem is that Date#parse assumes that the format is
day/month/year. I would like to make it assume that it is in the US
format, month/day/year.
After digging into format.rb I tried this:
class Date
def _parse_eu(str, e)
... in an attempt to skip the parse_eu method.... that solution doesn't
exactly work:
ruby-1.9.2-p0 > Date.parse("10/04/2010")
=> Sat, 10 Apr 2010
So, it's still using the EU format. Any other suggestions??
_strptime. Going that route forces my users to give me the date and/or
time in the format that I specify. Which is really not optimal.
So the problem is that Date#parse assumes that the format is
day/month/year. I would like to make it assume that it is in the US
format, month/day/year.
After digging into format.rb I tried this:
class Date
def _parse_eu(str, e)
... in an attempt to skip the parse_eu method.... that solution doesn't
exactly work:
ruby-1.9.2-p0 > Date.parse("10/04/2010")
=> Sat, 10 Apr 2010
So, it's still using the EU format. Any other suggestions??