Ok, iam having 2 problems with the following lines:
my $date = strftime('%a %d %b, %I:%M %p', localtime);
Encode::from_to($date, 'ISO-8859-7', 'utf8');
a) $date in this format wont get inserted into a mysql datetime field
and the cgi script gives me this error: DBD::mysql::st execute failed:
Incorrect datetime value: 'Σαβ 27 Μαϊ, 07:35 μμ' for column
'date' at ...
I must insert it thw way i want although mysql wants the timestamp like
'%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' but i dont want to enter ti that way because later
it would need retransfomration.
Is there a way to make perl insert this to the mysql datetime filed
thae way i want it to eb inserted?
b) in order to be able to view corectly my $date with print $date i
must re-encode it to Greek iso other wise i get question marks although
iam using print header( -charset=>'utf8' );
How do you explain this?
my $date = strftime('%a %d %b, %I:%M %p', localtime);
Encode::from_to($date, 'ISO-8859-7', 'utf8');
a) $date in this format wont get inserted into a mysql datetime field
and the cgi script gives me this error: DBD::mysql::st execute failed:
Incorrect datetime value: 'Σαβ 27 Μαϊ, 07:35 μμ' for column
'date' at ...
I must insert it thw way i want although mysql wants the timestamp like
'%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' but i dont want to enter ti that way because later
it would need retransfomration.
Is there a way to make perl insert this to the mysql datetime filed
thae way i want it to eb inserted?
b) in order to be able to view corectly my $date with print $date i
must re-encode it to Greek iso other wise i get question marks although
iam using print header( -charset=>'utf8' );
How do you explain this?