Could anyone kindly help me figure out how to add the day of the week to
David Spelts' Traffic Log "Hits By Day"?
I tried the following and could not implement any properly. I am a perl
newbie and would appreciate any help. I imagine this is simple for a perl
#$dayofweek = Date_DayOfWeek($month,$day,$year);
#my $date = ParseDateString("15 mar 1999");
$date = substr($key,0,6);
print UnixDate($date, "%a");
#$dayofweek = UnixDate($date, "%A");
#my $dt = DateTime->new(year => $year, month => $month, day => $day);
#my $dow = $dt->day_of_week();
#use Date::Calc; # you need this to calculate your date
#my $a = Date::Calc:ate_to_Text(2005, 12, 15);
I am using a Linux server with perl ver 5.8.7
all files required to run the script can be found here:
Could anyone kindly help me figure out how to add the day of the week to
David Spelts' Traffic Log "Hits By Day"?
I tried the following and could not implement any properly. I am a perl
newbie and would appreciate any help. I imagine this is simple for a perl
#$dayofweek = Date_DayOfWeek($month,$day,$year);
#my $date = ParseDateString("15 mar 1999");
$date = substr($key,0,6);
print UnixDate($date, "%a");
#$dayofweek = UnixDate($date, "%A");
#my $dt = DateTime->new(year => $year, month => $month, day => $day);
#my $dow = $dt->day_of_week();
#use Date::Calc; # you need this to calculate your date
#my $a = Date::Calc:ate_to_Text(2005, 12, 15);
I am using a Linux server with perl ver 5.8.7
all files required to run the script can be found here: