Debugging at design time


G Dean Blake

It appears easy using to debug servercontrols during runtime but how
can I step through code that gets executed at design time. for instance
when properties are set.

John Saunders

G Dean Blake said:
It appears easy using to debug servercontrols during runtime but
how can I step through code that gets executed at design time. for
instance when properties are set.

Start another instance of VS.NET. Then use Tools->Debug Processes to locate
the devenv.exe instance housing your test project. You can now set exception
trapping, or open the source files and set breakpoints.

John Saunders

G Dean Blake

The book I have is "Developing Microsoft ASP.NET Server Controls and
Components" I don't know if you have this book but it details out what you
refer to on Page 418.

It basicaly says to bring up your component project, go to debug properties
and set Start Application to devenv.exe, it then refers to a start action
setting that doesn't exist (probably written when beta was out). It
then says hit F5 and another version of will magically appear (it
doesen't). If I start another version of manually it get a permanent

I have tried for hours. I just can't get it to work and I can't find any
docs anywhere that tell how to make it work. If you know of any docs, I
would appreciate you pointing me to them.

John Saunders

G Dean Blake said:
The book I have is "Developing Microsoft ASP.NET Server Controls and
Components" I don't know if you have this book but it details out what
you refer to on Page 418.

You have the right book.
It basicaly says to bring up your component project, go to debug
properties and set Start Application to devenv.exe, it then refers to a
start action setting that doesn't exist (probably written when beta
was out). It then says hit F5 and another version of will
magically appear (it doesen't). If I start another version of
manually it get a permanent hourglass.

I have tried for hours. I just can't get it to work and I can't find any
docs anywhere that tell how to make it work. If you know of any docs, I
would appreciate you pointing me to them.

This is one area where I don't follow what the book says. I usually have a
single solution with both the web control projects and with the test web
site in it. In order to debug design mode, I start up a new version of the
IDE, then use the new version to do Tools->Debug Processes. I select the
devenv instance that has my open solution in it, then attach to it. I can
then turn on exception breakpoints (which are the usual culprits in my
designer problems lately). I can also open the source files with File->Open,
then set breakpoints in them.

John Saunders

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