Decimal ROUND_HALF_EVEN Default




I'm just curious as to why the default rounding in the decimal module is
ROUND_HALF_EVEN instead of ROUND_HALF_UP. All of the decimal arithmetic I do
is rounded half up and I can't think of why one might use round half even. I
googled a bit and didn't really find a good answer. Any insight is


Max Erickson

3c273 said:

I'm just curious as to why the default rounding in the decimal module
is ROUND_HALF_EVEN instead of ROUND_HALF_UP. All of the decimal
arithmetic I do is rounded half up and I can't think of why one might
use round half even. I googled a bit and didn't really find a good
answer. Any insight is appreciated.


see was written following the specification at


Tim Peters

I'm just curious as to why the default rounding in the decimal module is

Because it's the best (numerically "fairest") rounding method for most
people most of the time.
All of the decimal arithmetic I do is rounded half up and I can't think of
why one might use round half even.

Because you want better numeric results, or because your application
requires it. "Half-even" is also called "banker's rounding" in the
United States, because it's required in many (but not all) banking


If 'bankers rounding' is HALF_ROUND_EVEN, what is HALF_ROUND_UP? I
confess to never having heard the terms.
I usually do: Y = int(X + 0.5) scaled to proper # of decimal places.
Which type of rounding is this? If either.

Raymond Hettinger

LordLaraby said:
If 'bankers rounding' is HALF_ROUND_EVEN, what is HALF_ROUND_UP? I
confess to never having heard the terms.

The terms are defined in the docs for the Context object:

The rounding option is one of:
ROUND_CEILING (towards Infinity),
ROUND_DOWN (towards zero),
ROUND_FLOOR (towards -Infinity),
ROUND_HALF_DOWN (to nearest with ties going towards zero),
ROUND_HALF_EVEN (to nearest with ties going to nearest even integer),
ROUND_HALF_UP (to nearest with ties going away from zero), or
ROUND_UP (away from zero).

I usually do: Y = int(X + 0.5) scaled to proper # of decimal places.
Which type of rounding is this? If either.

The interpreter shows that ties are rounded down towards zero:
[int(x + 0.5) for x in range(-5, 6)]
[-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]


Tim Peters

If 'bankers rounding' is HALF_ROUND_EVEN, what is HALF_ROUND_UP?

Not banker's rounding ;-). Same answer if you had said ROUND_HALF_UP
instead (which I assume you intended) -- most of these don't have
cute names.
I confess to never having heard the terms.

ROUND_HALF_UP etc are symbolic constants in Python's `decimal` module;
see the docs.
I usually do: Y = int(X + 0.5) scaled to proper # of decimal places.
Which type of rounding is this? If either.

If you meant what you said, it's not "rounding" at all, because it's
insane for negative inputs. For example, int(-2 + 0.5) = int(-1.5) =
-1, and no _rounding_ method changes an exact integer (like -2) to a
_different_ exact integer (like -1).

If you were assuming X >= 0.0, then int(X+0.5) coincides with
ROUND_HALF_UP on that domain. For X < 0.0, ROUND_HALF_UP works like

Bengt Richter

LordLaraby said:
If 'bankers rounding' is HALF_ROUND_EVEN, what is HALF_ROUND_UP? I
confess to never having heard the terms.

The terms are defined in the docs for the Context object:

The rounding option is one of:
ROUND_CEILING (towards Infinity),
ROUND_DOWN (towards zero),
ROUND_FLOOR (towards -Infinity),
ROUND_HALF_DOWN (to nearest with ties going towards zero),
ROUND_HALF_EVEN (to nearest with ties going to nearest even integer),
ROUND_HALF_UP (to nearest with ties going away from zero), or
ROUND_UP (away from zero).

I usually do: Y = int(X + 0.5) scaled to proper # of decimal places.
Which type of rounding is this? If either.

The interpreter shows that ties are rounded down towards zero:
[int(x + 0.5) for x in range(-5, 6)]
[-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Or more explicitly:
int(-5 + 0.5) == int(-4.5) => -4
int(-4 + 0.5) == int(-3.5) => -3
int(-3 + 0.5) == int(-2.5) => -2
int(-2 + 0.5) == int(-1.5) => -1
int(-1 + 0.5) == int(-0.5) => 0
int( 0 + 0.5) == int( 0.5) => 0
int( 1 + 0.5) == int( 1.5) => 1
int( 2 + 0.5) == int( 2.5) => 2
int( 3 + 0.5) == int( 3.5) => 3
int( 4 + 0.5) == int( 4.5) => 4
int( 5 + 0.5) == int( 5.5) => 5

So one must be careful not to use int to convert relative screen positions to relative pixel deltas
to add to some pixel screen position, even when it's a single add that can't accumulate error or
round differentely after the add.

I guess one would want ...
int(math.floor(-4.5)) => -5
int(math.floor(-3.5)) => -4
int(math.floor(-2.5)) => -3
int(math.floor(-1.5)) => -2
int(math.floor(-0.5)) => -1
int(math.floor( 0.5)) => 0
int(math.floor( 1.5)) => 1
int(math.floor( 2.5)) => 2
int(math.floor( 3.5)) => 3
int(math.floor( 4.5)) => 4
int(math.floor( 5.5)) => 5

Which ISTM is the way some other int conversions have worked, but I can't recall the context ATM.
I.e., just trim the fractional bits from the theoretical fixed point twos complement number, which
always subtracts those positive-value fractional bits algebraically.

Bengt Richter

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