Thomas said:
Good question! An object should become marked for
garbage collection (GC) when there are no more
references to it. The `arguments' object indeed has
this `callee' property which stores a reference to
the Function object being executed (ECMAScript
Language Specification, Edition 3 Final, section
However, although not explicitly stated so in the
Specification, it stands to reason that the `arguments'
object usually ceases to exist when control exits the
execution context for the code of this function.
Therefore, the assignment to `arguments.callee' would
be superfluous here with regard to GC.
I am not sure about closures in function code and how
they could keep the corresponding Function object
alive. One would first need to ascertain how closures
are maintained in an implementation in order to make a
reasonable statement about it. However, given the
reasoning above, the assignment
arguments.callee = null; would appear to be irrelevant
with regard to that as well.
It might be possible to answer this by observing the behaviour of the
implantations rather than studying their (not always available) source
code. The thing that a closure must always preserve (or behave as if it
were preserving) is the Variable object. Variable objects are created
for execution contexts, as are - arguments- objects, but the inner
functions created in an execution context keep references to the
execution context's variable object (if they can be referenced from
outside that execution context (if there is a closure)). And so if the
Variable object keeps its reference to the corresponding - arguments -
object and that arguments object keeps its - callee - reference then in
principle a reference to the outer function is preserved.
However, the variable object's - arguments - property is unusable after
the end of the execution context for which it was created because any
execution context for an inner function will have its own Variable
object with its own - arguments - property, and so any - arguments
properties of any other Variable objects on the scope chain will be
masked by the one on the most local Variable object. Thus upon leaving
an execution context it would be perfectly viable for an implementation
to clear the - arguments - property of a variable object (even to remove
the property from the object), because from that point on it is
inaccessible anyway.
If they don't clear/remove the- arguments - property, and/or don't'
clear the - callee - property on leaving the execution context then the
closure will preserve the reference to the outer function object.
The 'trick' to exposing some truths of this will be to explicitly
preserver the - arguments - objects in the closures by assigning them to
local variables of the execution context in which the closure forming
function is created. These local variables will not be masked and thus
their references to the - arguments - objects cannot be cleared.
This would allow an examination of the preserved arguments objects,
through their variable references, to see if their - callee - properties
do retain their references to the original outer function. But of more
immediate interest would be the parallel testing of the two structures
to see if their memory use differed significantly. To create, say,
100,000 closures in the normal way, and then create 100,000 where the -
arguments - object was explicitly preserved. If the increase in memory
use after the second test (including giving the garbage collector time
to catch up) was not higher then the first then you might conclude that
the normal operation was preserving the - arguments - objects at the
very least. If the second test showed significantly increased memory use
then it would seem that the normal operation was not (needlessly)
preserving the - arguments - objects and that there is no issue here (at
least where that particular implementation was concerned).
In the even of discovering that there was an issue it would the be
possible to test the second option against a variation where -
arguemtns.calleee - was explicitly set to null in order to see if that
made any difference.
I think your concern is certainly based on reasonable
Given the increase in AJAX projects where the intention is not to
navigate way form a 'page' for long periods of time and the increased
use of (less then optimally implemented) functional programming
structures (particularly in 'popular' libraries) it does seem reasonable
to gauge the extent to which this is an issue.
So to get the ball rolling; testing XP 64, 64 bit IE 6, quad core Intel
processor, 4 Gigabytes physical memory:-
Test A:-
var ar = [];
for(var c = 0;c < 100000;++c){
return (function(y){
x = y;
Test B:-
var ar = [];
for(var c = 0;c < 100000;++c){
var args = arguments; //<-- The explicit preserving of
// the arguments object.
return (function(y){
x = y;
Test C:-
var ar = [];
for(var c = 0;c < 100000;++c){
var args = arguments; //<-- The explicit preserving of
// the arguments object.
arguments.callee = null; //<-- The explicit clearing of
// the - callee - reference
return (function(y){
x = y;
Executing these scripts in one page and then navigating to an
"about:blank" homepage and recording the defences in memory use between
the two pages loaded states, and repeating a few times, the results
For test A the difference between "about:blank" loaded and the post-test
code execution of the test page were; ~76 Megabytes more for the test
Test B; ~145 Megabytes
Test C; ~128 Megabytes
Conclusion: In the environment tested (JScript) the normal process does
not raise an issue. If, however, the - arguments - object is explicitly
preserved then the memory consumption does increase significantly, and
given that explicitly clearing the - arguments.callee - in test C did
decrease the extent of that memory increase it would be reasonable to
conclude that some of that memory increase (~17 Megabytes) is accounted
for by now non-garbage collectable outer function objects.
It is not possible to conclude from these test alone that in the normal
circumstances JScript is clearing the Variable object's - arguments -
reference because it may be the case that the act of assigning -
arguments - to a variable results in a new 'wrapper' object being
created at that point and it being the creation of that object that
increases the memory use. (Consider, for example, that all references to
window.event - in IE return a distinct object instead of multiple
references to a single event object.)
A quick test of not preserving the - arguments - obejct in a variable
but still clearing arguments.callee - showed the same memory use as Test
If nobody else gets there first I will try out similar tests on other
browsers soonish.
Note: when testing other browsers it will be worth considering that some
preserve an 'in memory' copy of pages in their recent history (Opera and
Firefox at minimum) so the methodology of navigating between a 'test'
page and an 'about:blank' page will not be appropriate.