....i've a question for you!
I use in web.config this:
<location path="xxx/yyy">
<allow roles="x1,x2,x3,x4"/>
<deny users="?"/>
And in a sitemap this:
<siteMapNode title="xxxxxxxxx" description=""
I want show the page.aspx link in my menu, but i don't want allow
anonymous users to access it.
It is possible?
Now...the page.aspx link is not showed in my menu.
....i've a question for you!
I use in web.config this:
<location path="xxx/yyy">
<allow roles="x1,x2,x3,x4"/>
<deny users="?"/>
And in a sitemap this:
<siteMapNode title="xxxxxxxxx" description=""
I want show the page.aspx link in my menu, but i don't want allow
anonymous users to access it.
It is possible?
Now...the page.aspx link is not showed in my menu.