Darryl L. Pierce
Rhino said:I am a MIDlet newbie but I've done a fair bit of J2SE development.
I would like to understand the deployment process for midlets a bit
better. I have downloaded the Wireless Toolkit (2.2) and would like to
install some of the demo applications on my Tungsten E PDA just to
practice the process of installing an application. Unfortunately I'm not
very clear on what I have to do.
The J2ME FAQ at
http://bellsouthpwp.net/m/c/mcpierce/j2mefaq.html#provisioning seems vague
on the process.
It's vague because there's no single way to deploy a MIDlet suite to a
device. It's all dependant on the device itself. Most mobiles allow you to
deploy via OTA using the WAP browser on the handset. Some devices (such as
my Motorola V400) let you install via a USB/serial/irDA connection and
special software. Still others (like the Siemens S55 or Nokia 36xx series)
let you provision via Bluetooth. The MIDP is specifically unclear on the
hows since that is something the OEM has to determine for themselves.
For you, you'd be best served checking with Palm's website. Unfortunately,
I'm personally unfamiliar with the Tungstens, which is why the FAQ has
little to no specific information on that handset. If you figure out how to
provision to that handset, I'd appreciate you sending me the details and
I'll give you credit in the FAQ for the answer.
Also, I have one terminology question that is relevant to this issue. I
keep seeing the term "MIDlet suite" in the FAQ but I can't find a
definition of that term. Is it the JAD and the JAR files for the
application? Or both of those plus the MANIFEST.MF file? Or something else
The MIDlet suite is the JAR file. It's referred to as a suite since it can
contain more than a single MIDlet.
* @author Darryl L. Pierce <[email protected]>
* @see The Infobahn Offramp <http://mcpierce.multiply.com>
* @quote "Lobby, lobby, lobby, lobby, lobby, lobby..." - Adrian Monk