| Howard Hinnant wrote:
| > Well, on April 11, 2003 the C++ standards committee voted a proposal
| > based on the contents of "boost/smart_ptr.hpp" into the first library
| > technical report. It could start appearing in your local
| > vendor-supplied <memory> header under namespace std::tr1 just any day
| > now.
| >
| > That seems pretty on topic to me, especially for a newsgroup called
| > comp.lang.c++ (as opposed to comp.std.c++).
| Sounds like they're farther along than last I checked. In fact, nothing
| on their website about it that I can see yet.
Click on: News 2003-07-03: What will be in the Library TR?
| My point was that it isn't (or wasn't) standard/ People who propose its
| use should make that clear. For instance, anyone working in defense or
| other critical industries can't just throw in a third-party library.
<sigh> When a major C++ library testing ground is off topic in
comp.lang.c++, something, somewhere has gone wrong. And I'm sorry I
picked on you. You didn't start this nonsense, you just happened to be
the latest topic-Nazi on the same day when I felt I couldn't stand it
any more. This could be a great newsgroup if there weren't so many
self appointed moderators.
If you feel something isn't on topic, just don't respond.
Having said that, if you can politely redirect someone to someplace
where he might get more information, I have no problem with that.
| If it (or part of it) is now standard, that does put a different spin on
| things.
Now that's something on-topic I can contribute: No, the library
technical report (LTR1) is not normative, meaning it is not standard.
It is informational only. Informally speaking, it basically means that
the standards committee is interested in this library. It paves the
way for including such a library in a future C++ standard. But it does
not guarantee it. And inclusion in a LTR is not a requirement for a
library to be included in a future C++ standard.
The vendors have informally agreed that libraries appearing in the
first LTR, if shipped, will go into namespace std::tr1. Though there
is no standard requirement that a vendor ship anything in a LTR.
Inclusion in this namespace will allow a smoother transition if the
library is standardized but also modified at the same time (and
presumably then migrated to namespace std).
| Of course, as far as I can tell that only refers to smart
| pointers, not other Boost elements.
http://anubis.dkuug.dk/jtc1/sc22/wg21/ for the current list (which
may change again this October).
| There's still the problem of getting
| a standardized version of this feature (with correct headers and such).
| Right now, most people are still going to have to use Boost as if it
| were a third-party library.
<nod> Changing/modifying a standard is a very big and slow process.
Boost will play a role. Other non-boost libraries probably will too.
It is my dream that discussions concerning non-std libraries, and even
non-std C++ language extensions (typeof anybody?) could take place in
comp.lang.c++ without fear of heckling from self appointed moderators.