well.....i did understand your replies partially.. but what happened
to me is that when i had used the function (strtok)
from the library <cstring>...i sent it a char* beside the delimiter
"."...as the following example
char * sentence="hai.bai.rasha";
then an application error in a dialog box appeared....
as i know and as i read before...the (strtok)function do recieve a
char* and a const char* as arguments.....so why that erroe did
appear??and when i tried with an array instead ,it worked fine.....
to me is that when i had used the function (strtok)
from the library <cstring>...i sent it a char* beside the delimiter
"."...as the following example
char * sentence="hai.bai.rasha";
then an application error in a dialog box appeared....
as i know and as i read before...the (strtok)function do recieve a
char* and a const char* as arguments.....so why that erroe did
appear??and when i tried with an array instead ,it worked fine.....