Thomas said:
Imagine that there is some include file f.h that contains the following
typedef unsigned int ui32 ;
My question is: If I have a C source file F.c that includes f.h, is it
possible for the preprocessor to detect that ui32 already exists, when
preprocessing F.c? The idea is that F.c will typedef ui32 as above if and
only if such typedef is not already in some include file used by F.c.
The preprocessor itself cannot interpret typedefs.
Usually, you want to have only one such typedef.
As you can protect the contents of a header against multiple
inclusion, the usual construct is
,-- mytypes.h --
#ifndef MY_TYPES_H__
#define MY_TYPES_H__
typedef unsigned int ui32;
If you need ui32 or another of the typed from "mytypes.h", then
#include "mytypes.h"
If any header needs to provide ui32, too, then make sure it
includes mytypes.h as well.
If you are in the rare and unfortunate situation that you can
either have an implementation typedef or have to provide one of
your own, then do the same: There usually is a, possibly
implementation specific, means to detect whether the type already
is there. Use this in your header mytypes.h. Whenever this header
is included, you can be sure that you have either one typedef or
the other -- but that it is there.
Usually better: Provide your own typedef name.
Example: You need a signed integer type with at least 24 bits and
decide you want to try first whether <stdint.h> defines one before
typedef'ing your own:
One solution:
,-- mytypes.h --
#ifndef MY_TYPES_H__
#define MY_TYPES_H__
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdint.h>
# ifndef INT_LEAST24_MAX
typedef signed long int_least24_t;
/* In order to "normalise" the picture: provide limits */
# endif
Another solution (one I would favour):
,-- mytypes.h --
#ifndef MY_TYPES_H__
#define MY_TYPES_H__
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdint.h>
# ifdef INT_LEAST24_MAX
typedef int_least24_t sint24;
/* Optional: Provide limits */
# else
typedef signed long sint24;
/* Optional: Provide limits */
# endif