Development software




I'm new to programming. I started with php earlier and I dropped it for Python.
I use Eclipse+PyDev for python, html and css.

Which programmes should I start using because they might be useful in the future? Which functions of eclipse are useful but unused/unnoticed by beginners.

What do you use and why :) ?



I'm new to programming. I started with php earlier and I dropped it for Python.
I use Eclipse+PyDev for python, html and css.

Which programmes should I start using because they might be useful in thefuture?
Which functions of eclipse are useful but unused/unnoticed by beginners.

What do you use and why :) ?

Chris talked of a good make tool. Yes this is necessary for more 'in-
the-large' programming.
But for a beginner its very important to have tight development cycle
-- viz.
a. Write a function
b. Check the function
c. Change the definition
d. Check that
with a minimum of keystrokes

If eclipse gives that its good...
For me its emacs with python-mode:
python in one window
python file in other
jump between the two with one keystroke.

Ive heard very good things about ipython (especially for
introspection) but not tried it extensively myself

Chris Angelico

Chris talked of a good make tool. Yes this is necessary for more 'in-
the-large' programming.
But for a beginner its very important to have tight development cycle
-- viz.
a. Write a function
b. Check the function
c. Change the definition
d. Check that
with a minimum of keystrokes

a. Write a code file
b. Press F7 and see the output in the other window.
c, d. Iterate.

Most IDEs will give you some such facility. F7 happens to be SciTE's
keystroke, others may use Ctrl-F9 or F5 or C-x M-x butterfly, but it's
almost certainly going to be there.

Chris Angelico

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