Difference VB.NET and C#


peter gast

I have developed for many years software in VB6 and now we are going to
change to Studion NET. The software by itselfs are text processors combined
with databases. Can there be made a recommendation which one should be
prefered (VB.NET or C#). Are there some important points which differ these
two languages, refering the functionality or refering the background I have

Thanks Peter

Ralf Brostedt

peter said:
Are there some important points which differ these
two languages, refering the functionality or refering the background I have

I switched from VB6/VB.NET to C# also, and I realized that Intellisense
and auto-completion does not fully function in C#.

E.g. when typing

if (MessageBox.Show(...) ==

You get no automatic dropdown list with the possible values of the
DialogResult enumeration.

Scott M.

This question has been asked many times since the inception of .NET and is
always guaranteed to spawn lengthy threads, but the short version of the
story is this:

Choose the language that you are most comfortable with.

The functional differences between the two languages is minimal at the most.
The performance of the resulting application is the same in both languages
as well.

BE PREPARED THOUGH!!! VB.NET is not just VB 7.0. While much of what you
already know as far as syntax is concerned will translate over to VB.NET,
much has changed as well! Code that you write that seems to work just fine
may actually have a new, better VB .NET counterpart.

S.M. Altaf [MVP]

I'll add to this by saying that if you go for any one of those languages
you'll be able to pick up the other one quite easily. That's the beauty of
the framework, all the .net languages start making sense!

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