I am working with ispLEVER 5.0 and Modelsim 6.0c
When performing functional simulation in Modelsim I use the following
The problem: If I want someone else to use the script there is always
the problem that it is fixed to certain directories.
Is there some possibility to make it global ?
vlib work
set SRC_DIR1
set SRC_DIR2 "h:/eda/lattice/dvi/dvi_pc_top/ddr_sdram_ctrl"
set SRC_DIR3 "h:/eda/lattice/dvi/dvi_pc_top/image_ddrmem_wbridge"
vcom ${SRC_DIR2}/ddr_sdram_package.vhd
vcom ${SRC_DIR2}/mt46v16m16.vhd
vcom ${SRC_DIR2}/pll_ddr.vhd
vcom ${SRC_DIR2}/ddr_datapath.vhd
vcom ${SRC_DIR2}/ddr_controller.vhd
vcom ${SRC_DIR2}/ddr_sdram_ctrl.vhd
vcom ${SRC_DIR3}/fifo1_wddr.vhd
vcom ${SRC_DIR3}/fifo2_wddr.vhd
vcom ${SRC_DIR3}/image_ddrmem_wbridge.vhd
vcom ${SRC_DIR1}/ddr_wbridge_complex.vhd
vcom ${SRC_DIR1}/tb_ddr_wbridge_complex.vhd
vsim tb_ddr_wbridge_complex
do Simulationsplot_functional.do
run 100us -all
configure wave -signalnamewidth 1
set StdArithNoWarnings 1
set IgnoreWarning 1
I am working with ispLEVER 5.0 and Modelsim 6.0c
When performing functional simulation in Modelsim I use the following
The problem: If I want someone else to use the script there is always
the problem that it is fixed to certain directories.
Is there some possibility to make it global ?
vlib work
set SRC_DIR1
set SRC_DIR2 "h:/eda/lattice/dvi/dvi_pc_top/ddr_sdram_ctrl"
set SRC_DIR3 "h:/eda/lattice/dvi/dvi_pc_top/image_ddrmem_wbridge"
vcom ${SRC_DIR2}/ddr_sdram_package.vhd
vcom ${SRC_DIR2}/mt46v16m16.vhd
vcom ${SRC_DIR2}/pll_ddr.vhd
vcom ${SRC_DIR2}/ddr_datapath.vhd
vcom ${SRC_DIR2}/ddr_controller.vhd
vcom ${SRC_DIR2}/ddr_sdram_ctrl.vhd
vcom ${SRC_DIR3}/fifo1_wddr.vhd
vcom ${SRC_DIR3}/fifo2_wddr.vhd
vcom ${SRC_DIR3}/image_ddrmem_wbridge.vhd
vcom ${SRC_DIR1}/ddr_wbridge_complex.vhd
vcom ${SRC_DIR1}/tb_ddr_wbridge_complex.vhd
vsim tb_ddr_wbridge_complex
do Simulationsplot_functional.do
run 100us -all
configure wave -signalnamewidth 1
set StdArithNoWarnings 1
set IgnoreWarning 1