I.N. Galidakis said:
Java is already disabled from the options ckeck marks. I am interested in
disabling Javascript and I cannot seem to fin it anywhere on any panel.
I assume you went to into Internet Options/Security/Internet/Custom/
and had no luck!
Microsoft, as I understand, way back developed their own version of
"javascript" and did not call it this but JScript. And there have been
(till at least recently I think) annoying incompatibilities or lack of
support by IE for all the js client side scripting that works in other
MS is not always transparent in the operation of its browsers, perhaps
look to disable pop up windows and other things to do with JScript. In
the last Mac version of IE, there is a preference ("option" to you
white men) for "Enable scripting" under Web Content". There was also
a "Security Zone" setting where you could set a level of security (to
"exclude content that could damage your computer") for all sites that
are not in any special class whose members you could enumerate. In
other words, if you listed none, the security setting would apply top
all visited websites. Presumably scripting would be something affected
by such settings.
When, as an experiment, I used the highest security setting many years
back, I noticed that an armed man would appear on my porch, sitting in
the rocking chair drinking stubbies of beer. I found this disturbing
as the beer came from my own fridge. I turned more and more to other