hannibal said:
in internet explorer i would like to disable the horizantal scroll bar in
this website;
how to do that?
- Get ride of the frames entirely: you certainly don't need them for
this kind of website.
- Validate your webpages:
dynHTML/mainMenuHaut.html and dynHTML/mainMenuBas.html have no doctype
declaration and uses a lot of invalid syntax and invalid markup code.
- <div style="position:absolute; left:190px; top:0px; width:100%-190; ...
is invalid. You just can't execute absolute values minus relative values
(100%-190) in a css declaration, just like that. You don't need at all
abs. positioning here.
- I would use an entirely CSS driven menu instead of a DHTML menu. You
don,t need javascript for that. Right now, if an user has javascript
disabled or if he's usign an old browser, the DHTML at the left won't
work well (or won't work at all). You should provide a sitemap for these
Also, if both CSS and javascript support are disabled, then the user can
not navigate nor use the site. Again, a sitemap. Best is to use the
<link> elements to create a working Site Navigation toolbar for browsers
supporting that. Link has been supported since HTML 2.0 rec.
W3C Quality Assurance tip for webmasters
Use <link>s in your document
The 'link'-Element in (X)HTML
- Right now, your DHTML menu is not scalable in MSIE. If I want to
increase the size of fonts in MSIE, your DHTML menu will remain as small
as it is. Avoid using absolute values for font-sizes regardless of
browsers involved: you can make your website entirely scalable by using
relative font-size values like % or em length units.
- the doctype declaration of the iframed document should not be
frameset: that's wrong.
- If you declare a marginwidth for the iframe and then request it to
have a width of 100%, then you should get an hor. scrollbar,
notwithstanding the default margin on the body of the iframed document.
For many reasons, your design specifications are causing scrollbar to
appear. Anyway, I don't even understand why you would need an iframe in
there when a simple <div> with given dimensions with overflow:auto would
do better without an extra http connection.
W3C Quality Assurance
Quality Tips for Webmasters