Distributing a Python App


Allan Hughes

I'm a python noob and have a question.

I would like to write a little app and then share it with others.

It is going to need to store potentially large amounts of data and then
generate reports based on that data.

I could just write to a DB, but that wouldn't be very portable.

I would like a solution that will work 'out of the box' for any old shmo
who wants to use it without worrying about whether they have the right
DB. How can I build this in? Suggestion? What have you done in the past?


Irmen de Jong

Allan said:
I'm a python noob and have a question.

I would like to write a little app and then share it with others.

It is going to need to store potentially large amounts of data and then
generate reports based on that data.

I could just write to a DB, but that wouldn't be very portable.

Define "a DB".
I would like a solution that will work 'out of the box' for any old shmo
who wants to use it without worrying about whether they have the right
DB. How can I build this in? Suggestion? What have you done in the past?

I've successfully used plain text data files, standard Python pickles,
and an (py)sqlite embedded database. None of them requires a full-blown
database engine to be present. PySQLite is also a self-contained package.
It depends on the amount and structure of your data what the best
solution will be.


Allan Hughes

Irmen said:
Define "a DB".

MySQL for instance.
I've successfully used plain text data files, standard Python pickles,
and an (py)sqlite embedded database. None of them requires a full-blown
database engine to be present. PySQLite is also a self-contained package.
It depends on the amount and structure of your data what the best
solution will be.

I'm looking to records detailing network status, which will be updated
frequently. I then want to be able to retrieve and sort the data to
present reports based on that data.

PySQLite sounds like it might be a good solution. I have never done any
kind of distribution of a desktop app before, so maybe this is a dumb
question. I'm guessing I could use some sort of tool to package the
python app and PySQLite into one nice tidy package which the end user
could then install?

Or something like that...

Miki Tebeka

Hello Allan,
I'm looking to records detailing network status, which will be updated
frequently. I then want to be able to retrieve and sort the data to
present reports based on that data.
If you want a minimal database try metakit
(http://www.equi4.com/metakit.html) which has good Python bindings and
it's only one dll.
I'm guessing I could use some sort of tool to package the
python app and PySQLite into one nice tidy package which the end user
could then install?
py2exe, cx_Freeze, Installer ...
IMO py2exe seems to be the most active.


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