Mr. X.
I see on some documentations (http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_DIV.asp)
that div has line break before and after.
I see there are sometimes, that there is a column spacing because of <DIV>
i.e I add a gif element, and after that another element (both are on <DIV>).
For the second object - I see that 0px is not the most left, so I should do
left:-30px in CSS-Style-Sheet.
Are there such known problem with <DIV>, and is there any documentation for
that problem ?
that div has line break before and after.
I see there are sometimes, that there is a column spacing because of <DIV>
i.e I add a gif element, and after that another element (both are on <DIV>).
For the second object - I see that 0px is not the most left, so I should do
left:-30px in CSS-Style-Sheet.
Are there such known problem with <DIV>, and is there any documentation for
that problem ?