I read in the book Javascript The Definitive Guide by David Flanagan
the following in reference to the use of alert, confirm, and prompt.
"Although these dialog methods are extremely simple and easy to use,
good design dictates that you use them sparingly, if at all. Dialog
boxes like these are not a common feature of the web paradigm, and
they have become much less common now that more capable web browsers
support scripting of the document content itself..."
Do you agree with this statment? If so, let us suppose you want to
confirm a delete operation. How do you go about doing this in a "web-
friendly" way.
the following in reference to the use of alert, confirm, and prompt.
"Although these dialog methods are extremely simple and easy to use,
good design dictates that you use them sparingly, if at all. Dialog
boxes like these are not a common feature of the web paradigm, and
they have become much less common now that more capable web browsers
support scripting of the document content itself..."
Do you agree with this statment? If so, let us suppose you want to
confirm a delete operation. How do you go about doing this in a "web-
friendly" way.